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    Following on from Omas hares and me being nosy and I know some of you won’t have these but what have you got on your fireplaces or hearths. I have a wooden duck about a foot tall and a square pine clock that houses all our keys when you open the face , I have nothing in the hearth as havnt bought fresh flowers yet usually buy every other week, I also have a brass fender it’s very old and we have had it 45yrs also ornate mirror above fireplace all pine, to be honest I would like a new fireplace of Portland stone mmmmm

    I have a brick fireplace and in the hearth I have a firescreen which I embroidered, on a brick shelf at the side are my headphones on a charging stand and on the other is a wooden owl. On the tiled shelf above I have a Beswick owl which was given to me by my guiding friends when I retired and a small china Bunnykins of a bunny dressed as a Brownie given to my by one of my Brownies and that stands next to a small wooden toadstall. I also have a ginger jar, a present from DD and a china Woodpecker spill holder which was my mothers. I also have two very small silver frames with pictures of my children in taken when they were very young, two candles and a very small torch (well you never know) Above is a very large mirror in a very nice wooden frame which we bought from a shop in Burford. Sounds a bit crowded now I have written them all down but All my ornaments are there because they have reasons for being there.
    What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


      As you know I have my Hares on the hearth , on the mantle shelf I have a large standing Bronze effect ( cant afford the real thing ) oriental Buddha lady and above the fire place a Moroccan style large mirror

      Oh and at the minute a Bright Blue Troll with White hair , Sophia's toy she forgot when she was over so its on the mantle so we don't forget when she comes again
      Im not fat just 6ft too small


        It does vary what is on our hearth, which is black marble. For some time it has been a metalwork cat to the right of the fire, and a stone circular plate with 3 round candle holders on it to the left . Those are permanent but sometimes there are flowers in front of the fire, and other candles.

        We have a light wood framed mirror above the mantle piece. On the mantelpiece a white clock, a silver holder for 3 T lights, and a photo of GD, aged 8 months, in a silver frame.
        “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


          Well 2 Aprils ago we took our mantle and hearth away, as far as the hall by the front door. We tried to sell it but no luck. It is now covered by coats and the dumping ground for our car and door keys. Not good is it!!
          The marble is outside.
          We have a fire in the wall type now with no hearth or shelf.


            My sitting room is still waiting for the plaster to dry. We haven’t had a fireplace since we moved in 17 years ago but we have a wall fire waiting to be installed once the decorating is done, it will have a shelf above it and our beautiful mirror which cost a fortune 13 years ago will go above that. Goodness knows what I will put on the shelf, have to wait and see what takes the fancy.
            If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together


              We have a hole in the wall and the woodburning stove sits within that, with logs stacked at the side, sometimes both sides - it depends on how busy OH has been with his chainsaw! To the left on the hearth (stone) we have a chrome 'companion set' which we use! On the woodburner (when it's not in use) there are 3 or 4 small wooden mushrooms. there's also a small fan which propels heat from the woodburner into the room. On the right of the hearth are 3 larger mushrooms made from polished yew and an art-deco style candlestick with an electric candle in it (all made by OH) On the mantlepiece - which is just a wooden ledge, are a set of 3 spalted beech candle-sticks with electric tealights, two little vase/urns all made by OH and a small silver frames clock which our sons gave us for our 26th Wedding anniversary.
              "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

              (Marianne Williamson)


                We have a new stone fireplace as the beautiful Art Deco one before was unrenovatable. On the hearth I have a cat from West Burton pottery, a companion set and a fire guard. On the mantle I have more cats, a stunning Egyptian lady made by a very talented aunt, a pot in the style of Clarice Cliff, two little match pots and a brown glass bowl of lavender. Oh, and a notice that says 'no drinks on here please'. This was for my hall table when we had a big do in the recent past. We have been warned that the stone will stain with red wine etc. 😬
                Women are like tea bags; you never know how strong they are until they are put in hot water.
                Eleanor Roosevelt.


                  We have a stone fireplace from the local quarry. It's the same stone as Conisbrough Castle. Beautiful colour. On the shelf there are two tapered cream candles in modern holders. There's a small round clock & a little wooden Buddha (given to me by my DD).

                  On the hearth theres a beautiful small wax resist ceramic piece given to me by my potter friend, a small stone 'tribal' looking fella & two pale pebbles stacked on top of each other. These three are grouped together. On the other side is a plant that's still growing from last Christmas. A poinsettia which still has it's red leaves on but with lots of new growth. Never happened to me before.
                  "Good friends help you to find important things when you have lost them....your smile, your hope, and your courage."

                  (Doe Zantamata.)


                    Congratulations on the Poinsettia Nana.
                    On my mantelpiece I have a small carriage clock,three of my favourite photos of GC and one of their dog as a pup.There is also a wooden carving of a kissing couple we bought years ago on holiday. and of course Daisy's Christmas card .Nothing on the hearth except a few craft/knitting books that are there temporarily.


                      Originally posted by Clover View Post
                      Congratulations on the Poinsettia Nana.
                      On my mantelpiece I have a small carriage clock,three of my favourite photos of GC and one of their dog as a pup.There is also a wooden carving of a kissing couple we bought years ago on holiday. and of course Daisy's Christmas card .Nothing on the hearth except a few craft/knitting books that are there temporarily.
                      Clover - LOL - I hope the card doesn't need too much dusting!!
                      "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                      (Marianne Williamson)


                        We don't have a fireplace here as I thought it would make the room look smaller than it is,we have an 8ft long light wood consul table sort of coffee table height which is home for a large TV at either side I have some nice dog & cat ornaments and 2 x special family photos of my DCs when small and DGC we have central heating which keeps us cosy so we don't miss the focal point in the room,above the TV we have a huge mirror which holds a nice garland when I do the xmas trimmings.
                        Keep Calm,You're Fabulous


                          Ladies, you are all very good at describing what you have,i find it easier to show you.

                          On the mantelpiece, 2 anniversary card for yesterday
                          Several ornaments that we have had since we've lived here.
                          Clock in the centre was a 40th anniversay from the grandaughters 9 years ago.
                          The 2 miniature clock are form a collection my late brother in law had.
                          On the hearth,the white figure on the laeft,was made during the miners strike,we bought it because we had some family members affected by the strike.
                          There is a similar statue outside the Miners offices in our town.
                          Figure on the left is an African lady,because hubby liked it.
                          A reed diffuser.
                          The orchid on the left is one that i won. 10 were made,9 to be sold at £100 each, and one for a prize,which i was lucky enough to win.
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                          Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                            That's nice Nan2 Like yours many of our things have happy memories of us buying them or they are presents.
                            I like the two dangly leg figures. I have one like that, of two cats, in check trousers. It is a Christmas decoration, and we sit it on a shelf.
                            “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                              I love the fender Nanto mine is quite bare compared to most I'm very minimalist I'm afraid
                              Last edited by Oma; 20-10-2017, 12:55 PM.
                              Im not fat just 6ft too small

