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    Mimi I have two small tin flower pot kind of things I stand on my hob with night lights in that I light after cooking anything smelly and they work just as well and so much cheaper , think they about £2 for 100 from Ikea , I really hate the smell of Steak cooking or Fish and they banish the smell in no time
    Im not fat just 6ft too small


      Mimi - someone gave me a Cooks candle once. They must have sampled my cooking!!! But I thought it was a horrible smell, far worse than the burnt onion smell it was supposed to mask. Unless it's pouring with rain, I leave the kitchen door open - it blows all the smells through the house though.

      My OH thinks scented candles are a waste of time and money and are dangerous as well! He quite often makes wooden candlesticks for people and supplies them with those little battery candles you can get from Ikea. But I love most of them. In the bathrooms and cloakroom I use reed diffusers though - RHS Soft cotton (or linen) . They seem to last ages and aren't too overpowering.
      "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

      (Marianne Williamson)

