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I give up!


    I give up!

    A few weeks ago I decided we should take out a Homecare plan from British Gas.We haven't had the boiler serviced for quite a while so I thought we should put something in place before next winter. (Sadly these days it's up to me to organise these things) Anyway I took out the plan and booked a first service. The actual boiler and system was fine but the engineer said we needed a new air vent. I was given a quote and had the necessary work done. I assumed ( silly me) that once that was done the Homecare plan would be reinstated as the vent was the only problem and was now fixed. Oh no,the plan had been cancelled and I had to start all over again setting it up and arranging another 1st service.I commented that the first 1st service was only a fortnight ago but though the chap on the phone was sympathetic he couldn't do anything about it. If by any chance the boiler doesn't pass with a different engineer I will definitely scream and call the whole thing off.

    Oh Clover that doesn't sound fair.
    What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


      For goodness sake, they don't make things easy, do they.

      DH had a letter from our optician to say his diabetic eye test was due so he rang them to arrange it. He was told that there is now a new system whereby the NHS send him a date, time and optician for him to go to for the test. If it's not convenient you then have to ring up to change it instead of being able to,choose the time etc when you first make the appointment!! Our optician couldn't understand why it had been changed but unfortunately couldn't help, what a waste of everyone's time!
      "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." - Dr Seuss


        That's really unfair Clover.

        Enfys, complete time wasting. I had a similar experience when cancelling my mums eye screening. I couldn't make another one, but had to wait for them to send one to mum via the post, her to pass it on to me, and me to phone them to make an appointment for a date and time I am free to take mum. Madness!!
        “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


          I understood the plan was you had done whatever needed doing by the company and then they set the plan in action I think they are taking the Michael if they find something else and the plan is cancelled again


            We had the same problem with our Washer its a way of getting money out of you Grrr
            Enfys I get my Diabetic eye test done at a screening clinic they send a reminder and I choose where and when I want it done , we have several clinics in the area and you choose what clinic is best for you .
            Im not fat just 6ft too small


              What a to do Clover. Seems so unfair to me.
              Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                That doesn't sound right to me Clover. I think I'd question it before taking out another one. We have a care plan with British Gas and the boiler is serviced every year and any work needing doing is done and we don't have to start from square one again.
                Believe you can and you're halfway there.
                Theodore Roosevelt.

