Today I picked a small bowl of blackberries! Last year they were early but not this early, the bushes are simply hanging in them. Last autumn DH hacked all the brambles back to the ground and they have gone mad this summer.
Right down the bottom of the garden is our "wild" garden (the bit we don't bother with) , it's where we have our shed, washing line tool storage but the bees and insect love it. The blackberries seem to like it too. This year I am clearing all along one side and hopefully will grow wild flowers next year so we will have a little meadow .
Right down the bottom of the garden is our "wild" garden (the bit we don't bother with) , it's where we have our shed, washing line tool storage but the bees and insect love it. The blackberries seem to like it too. This year I am clearing all along one side and hopefully will grow wild flowers next year so we will have a little meadow .