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How do you shop?


    How do you shop?

    In Tesco with OH today it struck me as it usually does that our shopping styles are different!

    She goes right down the long aisles wheras I like to do all the aisles on one side then come back up the others side.

    I like to load the conveyer with items together - fridge/freezer, household stiff, tins etc. She puts it on any old how.

    Packing - I like all the fridge and freezer things together, which surely makes sense as they keep each other cold.
    Then I like to pack several bags with a mixture of heavy and light items, checking that no bag is too heavy for me to lift.

    I can see OH thinks I am faffing about and wasting time when I do this! She loads things in no order and fills bags so full I can't lift them. My method is more bags with less items, hers is fewer bags with more in!!

    Bear in mind we can park on our own drive and not far from the door, we don't have far to go back for extra bags!

    What is your shopping and packing method?

    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown

    Interesting thoughts, Gem. When I shop as opposed to online, I have a list with all grocery items on the left. On the right of my list are medicine cupboard items and cleaning materials. Then there's a space and fruit and veg go below them.

    The aisles don't line up exactly so I tend to go up and down the first set of aisles, back across the middle (for end of aisle things) and then do the same with the rest of the aisles. If I want anything from the clothes, household wares, stationery, electrics I do those first.

    OH likes to go from front to back of the shop and wild horses wouldn't drag him in to the clothes etc area.

    We both stack things in the trolley much the same - big heavy things nearest the handles, fruit and veg in the front part of the basket. Neither of us are too fussed about how they go on the conveyor belt but OH likes to fill the bags according to a complex set of rules I can't follow. I just make sure, like you, nothing is too heavy and big heavy things aren't squashing light things.

    Writing this reminds me, though, why I mostly order online!

    The farm shop is a whole different set of rules.
    "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

    (Marianne Williamson)


      Its not very often we go in the supermarket now,with having online deliveries.
      Like you Gem, i like frozen and fridge stuff together.
      Hubby packs the bags any old how.
      He's not allowed to touch the bread.That goes in a bag of its own.
      He wouldn't worry if he put something on top of the bread and squashed it.
      I hate squashed bread.
      Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


        We go up and down food isles then do cleaning isle and household,
        bread isle then frozen. If we shop at any of the big supermarkets

        ​​​​​​Aldi is much easier , it seems to be set out so much better,

        As for packing the veg and heavy stuff goes on the belt first , bread etc is last .
        B packs at the other end he's really good at packing , I always put bread and anything that can be squashed in a bag on its own
        Frozen stuff stays together .
        Im not fat just 6ft too small

