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Can't make up our minds


    Can't make up our minds

    In our small sitting room we have a three seater sofa which is about 6 years old and it looks almost like new .
    The problem we are having is getting off it. To be honest OH struggleds more than me getting up into a standing position so do we sell the sofa and buy two individual chairs?

    I have seen a few I like but I don't want the sort seen in care homes, the sort where they are seated bolt upright!

    I know that I can get 'booster feet' for sofa to stand on which does help with standing up but I have to acknowledge that we are both slipping into old age rather rapidly and I am doing that kicking and screaming all the way.

    I have suggested that we put off making a decision about it for a while , goodness knows why, it's not as if we are going to get any younger
    Bring me sunshine in your smile.

    We have an old, shabby but too comfy to get rid of 3 seater sofa (according to OH. I would replace it if it were only down to me!) Its not easy to get up from and I didn't sit there in my early new-knee days. We also have a recliner sofa. I can highly recommend recliner sofas. Once you put the footrest down they are firm and higher to get up from than most sofas. I am glad we have the electric type though, as our friends C and P have the kind you raise with a lever but have to kick back as you stand up. I wouldn't recommend one of those! We have a 2 seater but other friends have nice 3 seater. Recliner chairs are an option too.
    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


      Would separate arm chairs, not too low, help. I use the arms of my chair to push myself up. You need to go to a shop with a large display and try a few out.
      What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


        I’m with Gem
        Electric recliners all the way,
        We have. A Sofa and two electric recliners , we once had the lever ones and I found it too hard to push the footrest back down
        So for years it’s been electric for us ,
        I think because of the mechanism they are slightly higher than normal chairs ,
        We did have on our last suite the recliners on the sofa but they never got used with us .

        Im not fat just 6ft too small


          We had a recliner chair when I was pregnant big mistake, never again. This one wasn't electric nor did it have a leaver basically you had to grab aach arm of the chair and push back as hard as you could
          By the time I had huffed and puffed doing that I would relax for a nano second when a combination of heartburn and cramp would kick in and I needed some one to help me get off the flipping thing
          Bring me sunshine in your smile.


            Mimi, it's a big expenditure so you want to get it right for you.

            We're on our second lot of electric reclining armchairs. They are really comfortable and you can adjust the footrest as it reclines and there's a separate button for the headrest. I'm surprised what a difference the headrest adjustment makes. The controls also have a USB port. One of the things we looked for was the back being high enough for a headrest as well. We spent a lot of time in showrooms 'resting'!

            We had a reclining sofa before but as Oma said it was a lever and had to be kicked down which was hard. I was also always worried one of our Yorkies would get caught under it. I'd be worried about a cat as well. So our current sofa doesn't reclining, but is very comfortable, and Eva loves it!

            Ours are Lazeeboy (spelling?)
            "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

            (Marianne Williamson)


              Daisy ours has the adjustable head rest also, I wasn’t sure If we would use them but we do,
              Ours has USB ports in the side next to the controls , ideal when charging your phone 😀
              Im not fat just 6ft too small


                Oma, our sound very similar to each other.
                "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                (Marianne Williamson)

