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Cleaning services


    Cleaning services

    I know Plant has had difficulty finding a cleaner.

    I wondered what people experiences are, if any of this?
    As there are two of us, both fairly able bodied and still in our 60's we have no excuse for one - yet. I wouldn't hesitate to hire one if we needed it.

    My auntie and DD2 have both used the Molly Maid company and both very satisfied. Fairly pricey I gather but very efficient and you have confidence in their honesty and reliability. Two cleaners come so it is done in no time.
    DD2 has had them for years. My auntie has someone different now she has moved.

    I'm not sure if they cover your area Plant, but it may be worth looking into.

    It's a bit of a minefield allowing an unknown person access to your home isn't it, even if you are there.
    If not a reputable company like MM, someone recommended by someone you know is probably best and safest.

    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown

    MIL has a lovely girl go in , she’s very good at her job ,MIL moans she’s not doing it her way ,
    We tell her she’s lucky to have such a lovely helpful girl , she will even pop to Morrisons and get her stuff if she’s ran out .
    Its not in her job description but she does it willingly.

    If I got to the point that I couldn’t do heavy housework I wouldn’t hesitate to get someone in .
    Im not fat just 6ft too small


      I had a cleaner when I worked full time. She was recommended by the postmistress when I was putting a card in the window ( remember those days ladies?). She came in twice a week and did everything including the ironing.....bliss! We stopped when we both retired and I really couldn't justify the expense! I don't have a cleaner now, just do what is needed as and when!
      Believe you can and you're halfway there.
      Theodore Roosevelt.


        I have someone. When I was running the school I had so little time that it was only way to keep the house presentable. C was recommended by a friend and she’s been with me for 25 years. Even though I’m now retired and probably have a little more time I hate housework and she does it so more efficiently. She also needs the job. I love to cook though so she always has a plate of home made goodies when she arrives. If she ever decides to go back to Columbia I shall be devastated.


          the first young woman they sent me was so good and thorough and we were becoming friends but she had to stop, she was a teacher really. This new lady is not very thorough, just wants to get it done but so far her standards are not mine although I do like her.
          Last edited by Plantaholic; 01-12-2023, 11:06 PM.
          What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


            I got a cleaner when I was working full-time and then took on studying as well. She was a cleaner at College and I asked if she knew anyone who might help. The next day she said she might be interested, so I invited her round to see the scale of the job - we had a very rambling chalet bungalow at the time. Over the years we became friendly and gradually I learned about her past. She had been badly bullied at school and had no education after the age of 13. Yet, she was clearly a very bright lady and was very knowledgeable about all sorts of things from archeology to varieties of apples. Eventually I persuaded her to go back into education and she did really well - firstly getting a clutch of GCSEs, then doing an Access course (sort of A Levels for adults) and eventually got a first class honours degree in Archeology - and the prize for the best student on the course.

            I was so pleased and proud for her. She very easily then got a job in an office, and I have no doubt she would eventually have got a good job in her chosen field of study, but sadly she found she had cancer, too late for effective treatment.

            She loved all things Disney, especially Mickey Mouse, and had an amazing sense of humour and would often have me in stitches. We still remember her fondly and I've never had another cleaner.
            "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

            (Marianne Williamson)


              I hope to do it all as long as I can! Quite a few here in the apartment block have cleaners, there is some rule that after the age of 73 everyone can apply. I don't mind cleaning and never have done.


                I'm like Lizzie,i'll do it myself while i can.
                Don't know anyone who has had a cleaner.
                Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                  I am lucky to have Sarah, recommended by a friend. She was working at two jobs but was so in demand she gave up the other job as she loves cleaning! Other people I know locally have had great difficulty finding a cleaner. Sarah comes once a fortnight for 4 hours, which suits me perfectly, I push the vac round in between.
                  Women are like tea bags; you never know how strong they are until they are put in hot water.
                  Eleanor Roosevelt.


                    Well as I expect you know I am a cleaning lady.I now go to “ my family” for two hours once a week and every so often I stay longer to clean the brass🙁!
                    I have been going to them for forty plus years. The original lady has since passed away but her daughter ,who was a working lady when I first started is now retired and in her eighties. I’ve obviously had some periods of time off like when I broke my ankle etc. or was having Chemo.The lady always wants me back though I’ve offered for her to get someone else.
                    I’ll continue as long as I can or am wanted. Could this be a record?


                      Could be Clover! Well done to you. The have ladies obviously appreciated you very much .
                      “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                        Clover, what a lovely relationship you have with your 'family' - and I'm sure that is how they see you, part of their family. I think forty years is a great credit to you and it could easily be a record. xx
                        "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                        (Marianne Williamson)


                          Clover, that is a long working relationship.
                          What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare

