This morning I was ironing and got to thinking ,
Do you still iron like you were taught when you were younger ? ,
I do I still Iron like my mother taught me ,
For instance I still Iron shirts in the order she taught me .
Collar and cuffs on the reverse , then the Yolk , back of the buttons and eyelets , then sleeve's, then back then front panels .
Pillowcases are ironed inside out and a light spray of water to get any creases out even though I use a big steam tank iron , then they are folded into a square to store and ironed flat ,
Trousers I still have a Ironing cloth to prevent shine ,
All old methods but I have used them all these years ,
That's how I taught my DD , im not sure she would use these methods now though
T-shirts I always iron sleeves and neckline before the body ,
I know for a fact DD doesn't do that its all done in one motion when she iron's them
What methods if any do you still follow .
Do you still iron like you were taught when you were younger ? ,
I do I still Iron like my mother taught me ,
For instance I still Iron shirts in the order she taught me .
Collar and cuffs on the reverse , then the Yolk , back of the buttons and eyelets , then sleeve's, then back then front panels .
Pillowcases are ironed inside out and a light spray of water to get any creases out even though I use a big steam tank iron , then they are folded into a square to store and ironed flat ,
Trousers I still have a Ironing cloth to prevent shine ,
All old methods but I have used them all these years ,
That's how I taught my DD , im not sure she would use these methods now though
T-shirts I always iron sleeves and neckline before the body ,
I know for a fact DD doesn't do that its all done in one motion when she iron's them
What methods if any do you still follow .