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Growing apple trees


    Growing apple trees

    We're thinking about planting two apple trees in the border we're doing at the bottom of our garden. There's a 6ft ordinary wooden fence, and we're thinking about controlling the size and shade by growing them espaliered or fan trained.

    I've been reading up on it, and they - the experts - make it sound simple! Has anyone tried this and was it really that easy!
    "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

    (Marianne Williamson)

    We have just binned our Patio apple tree ,
    3 years and it was rubbish we tried fanning it out but it only got a few fruit on and they didn't grow very big ,
    Did get lots of flowers and buds but they dropped off ,
    No luck with Apple trees here Im afraid so cant help
    Im not fat just 6ft too small


      We have an apple tree in our back garden. Our road was once an orchard, and they planted a fruit tree in each garden when building the houses and bungalows. Most of them are still there.

      So, I have no experience of growing one Good Luck Daisy!
      “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


        Can’t help here, only have free standing apple trees.
        What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


          I only have one sapling left now so no help at all I’m afraid. You can do it Daisy, best of luck. 😁
          Women are like tea bags; you never know how strong they are until they are put in hot water.
          Eleanor Roosevelt.


            We have three apple trees, but none are espaliered! Like Gem our garden was once an orchard and we had one tree in the garden, but one year it was so full of fruit it toppled over. Turned out it was also rotten inside! So we planted some more. Also have a plum and a cherry( but you have to be quick to get any before the birds get them!).

            I would think there would be quite a bit of upkeep for espaliered trees though.

            Another thought, might they get too heavy for the fence ?
            Believe you can and you're halfway there.
            Theodore Roosevelt.


              We have one apple tree. It isn't fanned out,just free standing.
              In fact hubby has picked the apples off this morning.
              We have been surprised how well its done,it's only two years old.
              The variety is James Grieve.
              Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                WG we had 1 Cherry, 1 Plum 2Apple 1 pear all saplings,
                Storm as a pup decided they were better dug up pruned by his teeth and brought one after another indoors
                The Apple that didn't thrive was the only one we managed to rescue They were not meant to be I suppose
                Im not fat just 6ft too small


                  Thank you all, ladies.

                  Oma - I think patio fruit trees are a bit hit and miss, but sorry yours have failed.

                  Gem - you've probably got just the right soil if it was originally an orchard. Ours is solid clay and we have to do a lot of work to help it out.

                  WeeGranny - it sounds like the ultimate in optimism that they'd be too heavy for the fence, but I had also wondered about that. I've seen loads of images online of them against wooden fences like ours, but I'm not sure. The fence is only about 3 years old so in good condition. I'm dithering! You're right about the upkeep as well! The Under Gardener (he who can yield a spade and pruning shears, provided I point out which are weeds and which should be spared to grow on!) says it's easy!!!! I'm not convinced.

                  Plant - do you know what varieties you've got?

                  Nanto - James Grieve are lovely apples. We've got two free-standing trees, but they've both got canker, and I'm not sure if we should take them out or if they can be treated. They fruit well - and the birds love 'em!

                  Grauntie - many thanks for the vote of confidence, although I think it might be misplaced.

                  "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                  (Marianne Williamson)

