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What do you keep in your fridge?
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I am on my own so my fridge doesn't hold what a family needs. I always have yogurt and kwark! At the moment I am doing my very best to lose weight so just have the basics, veg etc, cheese, butter, eggs, small packets of juice if the GD's call in. I have been making kefir for a year now and that is always in the fridge. I need to get to the Lidl tomorrow so there will be more to put in.
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In the fridge we keep -
Meat, fish, eggs, cheese, butter, salad, veg, yogurts, milk, jam, marmalade, ketchup, salad dressings various, grapes, filtered water in the door, cartons of juice if opened, plus beer and white wine!“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
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Tomatoes , soft fruit , salad stuff, Peppers , Water , yoghurts, milk , soft drinks, Butter , jars with Jam, Marmalade , pickles, sandwich spread ,
Cooked meat , raw meat likes of Bacon etc , Fresh fish , Tinned fruit as I like it cold , lemons ,
Salad cream , Chocolate , (B likes his chocolate cold)
Leftovers that will be used within days in Tubs
I keep eggs in a egg cupboard on the work top ,
Never keep Bread in the fridge or scones , tea cakes etc
I have them all on different shelves never put raw meat or fish on top shelf always the bottom ,
Fresh fruit and veg go in drawers at the bottomIm not fat just 6ft too small
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Milk,eggs,spread (as in not butter or margarine),jams including marmalade,cheese,salad stuff,a bit of fruit,not much veg as i buy frozen,but keep fresh mushrooms in fridge. Fizzy pop,a few stubby beers,tinned corned beef.Trifles and cream cakes, mint sauce,apple sauce,tartar sauce.
Cooked meat lives in the freezer,but when i take some out,it goes in the fridge. If i think i will be using eggs,i get them out early morning. Salad cream and mayo live in a cupboard. We never put tomatoes in the fridge.
Chocolate also lives in the fridge.Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.
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No wonder fridges have got larger over the years! There was a time when we were a family of 5 and had a tiny under the worktop size fridge with an even smaller ice box for ice cubes and a packet of frozen peas!
We keep milk, juice, yoghurt, butter and various spreads, eggs, jams, marmalade, chutneys, ketchup, HP sauce, salad dressings, mayo, cheese, cooked meat/pate, fish, prawns, raw meat, lettuce, cucumber, peppers, tomatoes, green vegetables, carrots, any other vegetables except potatoes, onions, garlic and sweet potatoes, white wine, beer, cider, adult soft drinks, Ribena, soft fruit, mushrooms, pears (I like them cold) and leftovers if I've done something like a casserole for 4.
I try and take some things out a while before we use them, such as tomatoes, eggs, cheese and raw meat. Chocolate lives in the cupboard unless we're having a real heatwave. Bread, scones etc all live in cupboards. I don't often buy ready-made but would keep chilled items like egg custard tarts in the fridge.
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
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Just had a look and I can't see the kitchen sink, but everything else seems to be in there. Jams, chutneys, spread, cold meat, cold fish, cheese, bacon, veggies, salad stuff, fruit,chocolate, milk, water, tonic, gammon steaks, stirfry mix and noodles, butter. Think that's it!Believe you can and you're halfway there.
Theodore Roosevelt.
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