Daisy, you will have some very happy chubby workmen.
Nanto - I doubt it at this rate! Having promised to work Saturday and Sunday (today) he's not turned up either day and has now phoned OH to say he won't be in tomorrow either because he's doing another job! OH told him his views on that, and I was so frustrated and cross I texted him to say (politely) how we feel about his broken promises. We knew we were taking a chance on him but wanted to help someone starting a new business, but this is beyond ridiculous. Doughnuts are definitely off the menu!
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
Sounds a bit like a decorator we had Daisy. He'd come in bright and early, then he'd have to go the decorating centre for whatever. He'd do another couple of hours work then he'd break for lunch and do another bit of work before having to go off somewhere else. Took forever!
I sometimes think the people starting a new business don't realise how long a job is going to take and also don't like to say no to new customers.
Hopefully your new patio will be worth the hold ups.
Believe you can and you're halfway there.
Theodore Roosevelt.
WeeGranny - we think it will be lovely when it's finished. But we want him to get on with it so we can get the border at the bottom of the garden planted up with some things that can settle down and take root ready for next Spring. We can't do that until he's finished.
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
This is like snakes and ladders, with more snakes than ladders at the moment!
Patio Man worked late on Friday laying the narrowest part of the patio under the dining room window. In fact it was dark when he left, but I noticed they had splashed cement all over the kitchen windows from the cement mixer. OH was out for the evening. So I got the hose out, had to hunt for the nozzle, and then found it had been broken, so I was trying to wash the windows off but struggling to reach the top. On Saturday, when we checked, he had made a total mess of laying the slabs. So today has been spent taking those slabs up again and preparing the base again.
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
The tale of woe continues. Patio Man texted me just after 7 am to say he wouldn't be coming because of the pouring rain and he couldn't mix cement in such wet weather. It was raining - a bit, but when I looked on our front drive some of it wasn't even wet! The weather must be a lot worse at his end of our road.
I texted back to say there was a lot of rubble to be barrowed round into the skip today before the skip is collected. He said there wasn't any rubble, but OH had cleared up a big barrow-load of it after they'd left yesterday! I said I expected to see him about 9 am. He phoned to say it was too wet, there really wasn't any rubble and ...and ... and! I passed the phone to OH! PM was here by 9 am, minus his labourer who had missed his lift by then. Apart from nearly 2 hours for lunch he's worked all day, and the sun has been shining since late morning. But progress is so slow!
By the way, I know this is all first world 'problems' and there are grannies here who are going through very sad and difficult times. I'm not exactly moaning (well, I am moaning, but not in a serious way). I'm just sharing my patio saga because it's so bizarre and you couldn't make it up. xx
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
Gem - I know you're right about it becoming a bad (or hilarious in a hysterical way) experience , but we genuinely wanted to help this guy get on his feet, and quite honestly if anyone asks us for a reference for him we won't be able to lie and say he's good/reliable/willing or anything very positive. We live in quite a small community and news travels. We should have been going out with friends tomorrow and we've cancelled because we can't trust him to work if we're not here, and I had to tell her why.
Lizzie - you're probably right - it's above his pay grade, but we saw photos of work he'd done, he seemed genuine and honest and sometimes you just want to try and help. I'm sure his intentions are good - but he doesn't follow through and his work ethic is poor.
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "