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Feeling low - and then ....


    Feeling low - and then ....

    This week-end I've been feeling very tired and have had no enthusiasm for anything. Everything has seemed like an effort, and I didn't have the energy to do much.

    We have already decided to give up the allotment at the end of this season, and for the last couple of weeks I've also been wondering if it's worth keeping the greenhouse. I mainly use it for vegetable seeds for the allotment, plus a few annual flowers and tomatoes which I always plant outside eventually. I've got 3 melon plants in there at the moment and with being away up north so much they have romped away unchecked. You can hardly get in through the door for them!

    They were looking a bit dry tonight so I braved the triffids to water, and to my great surprise found 5 melons - 3 quite the largest I've ever grown, and 2 smaller ones which may not ripen. But I'm very chuffed!
    "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

    (Marianne Williamson)

    Aww, the rewards of nature Daisy!

    You and OH will be running on empty so no wonder you don't have much energy and enthusiasm.
    An allotment is a lot of work, I admire you for keeping it for so long.
    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


      Daisy, i'm not surprised you have been feeling low.
      You've had one hell of a time,sorting cousins affairs, not to mention the travelling up north and back.
      Allotments need a lot of time and work, so i can understand you giving it up.
      As for the greenhouse,i would leave it a bit longer for deciding what to do.
      Melons sound good.

      Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


        No wonder you’ve been feeling down, Daisy, with all that’s gone on for you recently.

        Might be a good idea about the allotment, they are an awful lot of work but maybe hang on to the greenhouse for now, you might regret getting rid of it later.

        Great about the Melons, what a lovely surprise.
        "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." - Dr Seuss


          Oh Daisy you must be so tired , not just physically but emotionally too ,
          You need to get away in the Caravan for a few days just sit back and relax wherever you park up ,

          I agree keep the greenhouse for a while , I love melon and it would be lovely to eat home grown ,
          That's the one thing I miss is our big greenhouse ,

          Allotments are hard work , we couldn't keep ours going I couldn't manage it and B wasn't well enough so it had to go ,

          Im not fat just 6ft too small


            Daisy, you will be feeling tired after all you have arranged for your cousins funeral etc, take it easy a while, an allotment is a lot of work, neighbours of mine have one, they have one huge freezer in the kitchen and all they grow goes in there and lasts them all year round, me, I take the easy way out, just buy what I need! Take care of yourself!


              I'm not surprised you're feeling a bit low after all the running around and sorting out you've had to do just recently Daisy! Time to take things easy for a while now....if you can!

              I think I'd be giving up the allotment too, but I'd hold on to the greenhouse until you're feeling more settled. You can always 'escape' to it when you feel the need! Even if you're just cleaning pots and growing huge melons!

              I do hope you can get away somewhere and put all your cares behind you for a few days in the not too distant deserve it!

              Dare I say it, but at times like this we realise we're not as young as we used to be and our bodies can't cope as well with all the travelling etc. Listen to what your body's telling you and what doesn't get done today, can get done tomorrow or the next day!

              Take care of yourself and Mr D ! x
              Believe you can and you're halfway there.
              Theodore Roosevelt.


                Daisy my dear dad used to say “ When you don’t know what to do, do nothing for the time being “

                Don’t make a hasty decision about your green house, think it over for a while, after all ‘we ‘ gardeners are now on the down ward slide where gardening is concerned, it’s a lot of tidying up while bracing ourselves for the winter.
                As you say you have given up your allotment, are you thinking you won’t no longer need the greenhouse to start the veg seeds off in the spring.?
                You could still use the greenhouse for plants you might want for garden or planters ( that’s if you have a garden where you live )
                If you cut yourself off from gardening all together you might regret it next spring.
                See how you feel in a few weeks time .

                We downsides because of the large garden we had as it was too much for us but we really do enjoy the patio and garden boarders we now have. , it’s just enough to keep us busy but not too much as it becomes a burden.

                Bring me sunshine in your smile.


                  Ladies, thank you for caring and also for your advice. WeeGranny is right - we’re on a downward slide with things like gardening, much as I try to ignore it. 😁

                  I’d like to make the garden easier, and be able to leave it for a week or two without worrying that everything will have died. In fact Mimi’s My role model, but our garden’s not large I just need to make a few changes.

                  I’m still not sure about the greenhouse. We could make it into a nice patio area and it’s the sunniest part of the garden. I could use the summerhouse to grow a few flower seeds. Oh dear, decisions, decisions. 😨
                  "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                  (Marianne Williamson)


                    Wise words from everyone Daisy .
                    I am 11 years younger than you and doubt I could do half you do!
                    Gardening can be fulfilling and relaxing, and to grow your own produce is wonderful.
                    Gardens are for us though, not the other way around. If a garden or allotment is wearing us out, it is time for a think and a few changes. As you sensibly realise 😊
                    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                      Haha, Gem. It’s not often Daisy and sensible appear in the same sentence. And you are a very busy lady, perhaps I just moan more! 🤣
                      "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                      (Marianne Williamson)


                        I agree about re thinking the greenhouse Daisy you might regret it. My Matt had half a plot on an allotment and had to give that up after the first year. With working and his own garden it became too much to manage,and he's a mere stripling. Our garden is very small but already I have overdone the amount of plants in pots, I promised to make gardening more fun and easier for myself but did the opposite 🙄. Back to the drawing board for me. Enjoy those lovely melons though.
                        "What doesn't kill us,makes us stronger."


                          As all the others have said naturally you’re feeling down. Not only are you coping with the physical arrangements you are obviously grieving for your cousin, especially as it happened unexpectedly
                          Daisy though you might feel sad giving up the allotment you’ll be pleased be giving someone else who may have been waiting for one their chance at the “good life”
                          What happens about your friend who was sharing it?


                            I think you are making the right decisions Daisy. I do miss the fresh veg. my OH grew but I don't miss the growing the plants in the greenhouse for him. I don't do any sowing or cuttings now. the greenhouse is still there but used to store tools and compost, it is nearer than the shed. Your life is in another phase now and growing things in a greenhouse is a bit of a tie especially now you have your caravan. We have a very good vegetable and fruit farm nearby and I use so little now. I do still enjoy seeing to the borders and moving stuff around to make room for new plants from the garden centre. As I walk around the garden I am very proud of the shrubs and plants I have grown from cuttings in the past.
                            What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                              Daisy your Garden is still a fair size. You have your Summer house, J's wood turning shed your Green house and log shed and still have a fair size lawn plus big boarders at the front. So actually a lot of hard work to keep it all tidy.
                              You do have some lovely shrubs and stuff but with that and allotment something has to give doesn't it xx
                              Im not fat just 6ft too small

