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Remote controls


    Remote controls

    How often do you clean your remote control's ?

    I never used to think about this till B became ill and I became obsessed with keeping germs at bay ,
    I used anti bac wipes on everything

    7 years down the line and I still clean all remotes every day along with the phones , Fridge/Freezer handles , Door handles , etc.

    Before that The Remotes would get the odd wipe down now and then ,
    Its not something you would normally think about is it .

    DD said her remotes only gets a wipe down when she remembers as she's cleaning ,

    Im the same if we go away you never know who has handled the remotes in hotel rooms do you ,

    Another thing I must do is as soon as we come in from shopping I must wash my hands before I touch anything , the amount of people who sneeze or cough into their hands then push shopping trolleys around

    I know im over the top sometimes
    Im not fat just 6ft too small

    I've always been fussy about cleaning the remotes. If i am polishing they get done over.
    I don't spray polish onto the remote,i spray it onto the cloth and wipe it over.
    Otherwise i go over them with a wipe, or use Dettol all in one spray.
    Always been fussy with the phone as well. Although its very rare we use the landline, i clean it.
    Never know if a fly or spider has crawled over it.
    Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


      Funny this topic has come up today as I gave my remotes a jolly good clean last week, just a wet cloth and washing up liquid. I think you were more aware of what germs are on shopping trolleys etc, you needed to protect Brian from germs when he was very poorly Oma.
      What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


        I just do them randomly, every now and again. If we have colds or tummy bugs I do disinfect them then too.

        I read once that the remote is the most germ ridden thing in any hotel room, so we really should clean them when we go away.
        “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown

