How often do you clean your remote control's ?
I never used to think about this till B became ill and I became obsessed with keeping germs at bay ,
I used anti bac wipes on everything
7 years down the line and I still clean all remotes every day along with the phones , Fridge/Freezer handles , Door handles , etc.
Before that The Remotes would get the odd wipe down now and then ,
Its not something you would normally think about is it .
DD said her remotes only gets a wipe down when she remembers as she's cleaning ,
Im the same if we go away you never know who has handled the remotes in hotel rooms do you ,
Another thing I must do is as soon as we come in from shopping I must wash my hands before I touch anything , the amount of people who sneeze or cough into their hands then push shopping trolleys around
I know im over the top sometimes
I never used to think about this till B became ill and I became obsessed with keeping germs at bay ,
I used anti bac wipes on everything
7 years down the line and I still clean all remotes every day along with the phones , Fridge/Freezer handles , Door handles , etc.
Before that The Remotes would get the odd wipe down now and then ,
Its not something you would normally think about is it .
DD said her remotes only gets a wipe down when she remembers as she's cleaning ,
Im the same if we go away you never know who has handled the remotes in hotel rooms do you ,
Another thing I must do is as soon as we come in from shopping I must wash my hands before I touch anything , the amount of people who sneeze or cough into their hands then push shopping trolleys around

I know im over the top sometimes
