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Do you hang out your washing?


    Do you hang out your washing?

    Do hang your washing outside when the weather is good, or do you always use a dryer or airer?
    I love hanging out washing in the sun and bringing it in fresh, dry and smelling good. We have 2 washing lines in the garden and at least one is used most days in summer, unless raining.

    In winter we mostly use airers, although we do have a tumble dryer in the garage which we use a bit.
    One of my 3 daughters (the one with the very big garden - GS2 used to ask if they could 'go to the park'!) never ever hangs anything outside, they don't have a washing line or rotary dryer. All goes into the tumble dyer from the washing machine.
    The lady we bought our house from didn't have a washing line and never hung washing out. Our neighbour on one side never do.
    The neighbour behind does, and the young couple of the other side of us does.
    I always assumed everyone hung out washing if A - they had somewhere to hang it, and B - the weather conditions were suitable. It seems not.

    What do you do?

    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown

    I always hang mine out when the weather is good. I have an obsession that everything have to face in one direction, so all the front of the clothes have to face me as I’m hanging them out and that includes socks and under wear. I don’t know why I have to but done it for as long as I can remember. On holiday with my sister in-law when she helped hang the washing out, I had to sneak out and change the things that was correct. Anyone else got weird obsession.


      Hee hee Nannycuddles!
      I do like them facing one way I must admit, and my line looking neat!
      When DD1 was a teenager and living at home she used to hang out the washing all lopsided and higgledy piggeldy. I sometimes re pegged it
      “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


        Originally posted by Gemini View Post
        Hee hee Nannycuddles!
        I do like them facing one way I must admit, and my line looking neat!
        When DD1 was a teenager and living at home she used to hang out the washing all lopsided and higgledy piggeldy. I sometimes re pegged it
        Glad I’m not the only one.


          We also have 2 washing lines. I love to hang the washing outside.
          Like Nannycuddles i always peg things with the front facing me.
          I don't have a tumble dryer,never desired one.
          In winter i use an airer.Fortunately,they don't take too long to dry.
          These are coming back into fashion now.

          I had one of these many years ago,hubby put one up in the kitchen whan DS1 was born.
          Wouldn't want one now.
          My grandparents had one and so did my in laws.
          Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


            Always hang washing permitting of course. We have a tumble dryer but I try not to use it too much. I found some cotton items, tshirts etc, shrank if tumble dried too much. In the winter I have an airer that I put in the conservatory and I have racks that go over radiators. I’ll use the tumble dryer in the winter for big items, sheets, duvet covers etc. Love bringing in the washing when it’s been out in the sunshine all day 🌞🙂

            edited: Have to hang things facing the right way, and socks have to be in the correct pairs. If DH ever hangs washing out, I have to fight the urge to go and re-hang it 🤭🤫
            Last edited by Enfys; 15-07-2019, 07:01 PM.
            "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." - Dr Seuss


              A pegger out here too. I am the same, all facing out! Nanto2, we had one when I was a child, we called it a creel.
              Women are like tea bags; you never know how strong they are until they are put in hot water.
              Eleanor Roosevelt.


                I have a rotary drier - there's nowhere to put a single line even though I think that's much easier to use and quicker at drying. I use it most of the time in the summer, but not much in the winter. I often put things like bedding and towels in the dryer when I bring them in just to soften the towels and avoid ironing the bedding. The one thing I never put out on the line is socks - I haven't got the patience!

                I try to hang things neatly - tops from the bottoms and bottoms from the top - but don't worry about which way round they are and any peg will do - they don't have to match!

                "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                (Marianne Williamson)


                  I use my Tumble dryer all year round , even if I put stuff on the line like today the towels and underwear go in the tumble , I never hang towels out I like them nice and soft ,
                  There are things I cant tumble so in the winter when they cant go out they get put on hangers and are hung in my boiler cupboard to dry , I have hooks in there for coat hangers to hang on
                  When I hang washing out everything has to be in order , all t-shirts together , trousers together , blouses etc , all facing one way , I don't like the peg colours mixed either Blue pegs for darks , Purple pegs for lights .
                  I also iron the same way , do all t-shirts together then Blouses& shirts then Trousers then dresses
                  I couldn't live without my Tumble dryer
                  Im not fat just 6ft too small


                    We hang socks and knickers one of of those circular devices with a with a hook to hang on the line, with pegs all round. If it rains it has the advantage of being just one hanger to bring in !
                    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                      I am with Daisy here and have a rotary dryer near the bottom of the garden it gets the sun all day,I also must have the washing hung neatly (and please don't laugh ) I like to have colours cordinated how sad am I ?
                      Mr G hangs things higgley piggiley and I have to rehang most times.
                      I love the smell of line dried washing,when the weather is bad I have an arier which I place in the corner of the wet room things dry quite quickly in there.
                      Keep Calm,You're Fabulous


                        I always peg washing on my rotary line, weather permitting. I love the smell of freshly laundered washing, especially bedding. I too am a bit OCD about the way I hang the washing on the line. The kids always tease me about it. They say washing is my hobby. For my 60th birthday they had a large cake made for me in the shape of a washing machine, with the door ajar and detail of all the knobs buttons and drawers. On the top of the machine there was various items of clothing, all made of icing. It was brilliant. I would post a photo of it but I don’t know how too.
                        Always face the sunshine and the shadows fall behind you.


                          Sunshine - you really have made an art form out of your washing!

                          It seems as though I'm the only one who doesn't co-ordinate colours or items on the line. I feel a real failure!!!! But I do take care to hang them neatly - I always shake things out to reduce creasing first and make sure collars, cuffs etc are neat.

                          Oma - I like towels to be nice and soft too, but I also love the smell of line dried washing, so in good weather I put the towels out until they're almost dry and then pop them in the dryer for a few minutes to fluff them up.

                          "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                          (Marianne Williamson)


                            Daisy I’m with you,any order,any peg I try not to use the tumble dryer only occasionally for towels or like you Daisy for a final softness.I always imagine it costs a lot to run but I’m not really sure.


                              I'm not fussy about peg colours. First to hand out of the peg bag 😁
                              “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown

