I've grown tomatoes from seed for well over 15 years, and rarely had any problems. But this year I'm now on my third sowings of Moneymaker, and they're just not germinating! I lost all of my seedling in the hot weather at Easter - totally my own stupidity - and resowed. All the other varieties have germinated, but not Moneymaker. I think I must have a duff packet of seeds! I'll try one more time and keep my fingers crossed - again.
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Shhh, Daisy take yourself to your local market or garden centre and buy some tomato plants . Your secret will be safe with us and it will save you a lot of frustration.
Just a thought is it the compost you are growing the seed in and not the actual seed it’s self that is the problem?
One year I brought some multi purpose potting compost from a local farm thinking it would be better than the usual ones on sale, it was terrible, it had actual pieces of small sticks in it. All my plants struggled to flourish that year !Bring me sunshine in your smile.
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Mimi you could be so right about the compost,last year John bought a supposably natural compost ???from a farmers market and had no joy at all with most of what was sown in it.
I would go with plants and cross your fingers when asked the question about how did you grow them ha-ha.Keep Calm,You're Fabulous
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In all honesty, I don't think I can blame the compost, because the other varieties are growing. Not as quickly as I like but there have been huge fluctuations in the temperatures even though I try to keep the greenhouse temp steady. The soil thermometer is swinging between 15 and 28C! It may be even lower at night but I'm not checking at 3 am, even if I do have to buy plants. I think I'll try another packet of seed from a different producer and see how they go - there will still be time to buy plants if I have to, but when I have bought plants in the past they've been very stressed - a bit pale and 'drawn' - so I'd rather grow them myself if I can. IF!!
But the melons and courgette plants are coming on well. I need to get some French beans in, too.
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
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