Originally posted by Daisy
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We enjoyed playing with the recliners this evening, and then I got up to do the shopping list for tomorrow and other odd jobs and realised I hadn't got my phone. I'd put it on charge for a quick top up because it was low battery and I needed to forward some photos to someone. But where on earth had it gone after that!! I checked all the usual places - the bathroom, the garage, the freezer, the dog's bed etc, etc and then rang it. We could hear it, but it sounded muffled and a long way off. Eventually realised it had fallen out of my pocket and down the side of my chair! If a brand new chair can gobble up my phone on its first day, goodness knows what it'll do when it's settled down!!

It's lovely to have an ordinary fabric again, instead of leather, but OH is pleased with his leather chair and it is very nice and soft.