First thing every morning, I let Eva out and go and check that the bird feeders are ok - sometimes the seed gets a bit damp and then gets stuck in the tube. I top them up and always put half a handful of seed, mealworms, grapes or something on a garden table for the ground feeders - mainly blackbirds.
Yesterday, being Friday, I checked the feeders, and they all had plenty of seed so I carried on round the lawn doing pooh patrol so I could bin it before the bins were collected. As I was putting the bin lid back on there was a firm 'plop' on a nearby table. There sat a bright-eyed blackbird giving me a Hard Stare.
"Hello, little fellow" I said, "What do you want?" He did a little jump and carried on staring at me.
"Ahh, you want your breakfast,don't you?" He did another little jump and as I started to walk round to the back of the house he hopped along the fence, leading the way, then waiting on the seat by the other table while I went and got him something to eat!
I wonder what he'd have done if I'd ignored him!
Yesterday, being Friday, I checked the feeders, and they all had plenty of seed so I carried on round the lawn doing pooh patrol so I could bin it before the bins were collected. As I was putting the bin lid back on there was a firm 'plop' on a nearby table. There sat a bright-eyed blackbird giving me a Hard Stare.
"Hello, little fellow" I said, "What do you want?" He did a little jump and carried on staring at me.
"Ahh, you want your breakfast,don't you?" He did another little jump and as I started to walk round to the back of the house he hopped along the fence, leading the way, then waiting on the seat by the other table while I went and got him something to eat!
I wonder what he'd have done if I'd ignored him!
