After our recent heatwave, I'm wondering what has happened in everybody's garden.
I cut the lawn today for the first time in ages - it was very long in places and very dead in others!
I've never seen so many apples on our trees - or so many windfalls underneath them, but they are much smaller than usual. My little clump of variegated bamboo has done well, and the clump of phlox is still flowering its heart out. The saskia daisies are all but over, but a climbing rose has suddenly grown new shoots and had buds on it again.
The biggest surprise is a hellebore I planted in spring - it's is in full flower. If it thinks this is winter, it's in for a shock when winter arrives!!!
I cut the lawn today for the first time in ages - it was very long in places and very dead in others!
I've never seen so many apples on our trees - or so many windfalls underneath them, but they are much smaller than usual. My little clump of variegated bamboo has done well, and the clump of phlox is still flowering its heart out. The saskia daisies are all but over, but a climbing rose has suddenly grown new shoots and had buds on it again.
The biggest surprise is a hellebore I planted in spring - it's is in full flower. If it thinks this is winter, it's in for a shock when winter arrives!!!