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Pedal bins


    Pedal bins

    I am on the hunt for a new pedal bin nothing fancy as it’s in the garage and we have the kitchen door straight into the garage, we’ve had a swivel top
    one for years about 40 litres, but my dil has a touch top one which is more hygienic, anybody got one on here , if so do you like them or what have you got , I don’t want a chrome one as in the garage in the winter it can get damp and rust plastic suits us best but not very green I know
    Omitted to say I don’t want a floor pedal as it’s a big step down into the garage where as I can reach the swing bin form the kitchen without stepping down, not asking fo much am l
    Last edited by Qwerty; 25-06-2018, 03:59 PM.

    I have a Black plastic touch top one it has a flat back so sits against the wall , I love it , think it was £19.99 from argos

    easy to clean and it has a collar inside you put the bin bag over then it sits inside keeping the bin bag in place and no over flow if you know what I mean
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    Im not fat just 6ft too small


      I have a Brabantia but it is chrome, not suitable for you Qwerty
      What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


        We have on that lives on the inside of cupboard door.
        When you open open cupboard door,bin lid automatically lifts up.
        It's in the cupboard where we keep buckets and other such stuff.

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        Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


          We are common, we have no kitchen bin, and I haven't had for decades!! inside the tall kitchen cupboard where we keep Dyson stick etc we have hooks on the wall. On one is a large plastic bag which we fill with any recycling, which we then empty into the right boxes in the garage.
          The other hook has a bin bag which we remove to the wheelie bin outside when full and replace with another.
          Method in my madness, no bins or lids to wash 😊
          “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


            Like Nanto we have one that lives inside the cupboard door, but instead of being a bin it's just a sort of frame and you hang a bag on it.

            The neighbours whose cats I feed have a touch top bin and it is easy to use, although obviously you do have to actually touch it with your hand (or a barge pole if you have one handy). I think it's a Brabantia bin - chrome bin with a black plastic lid.

            My pet hate is pedal bins. I hate the way when you put your foot on the pedal nothing happens for a second then it goes crash as the lid flies up! Makes me jump every time. Swing bins come a close second because they always manage to swing back and trap your hand like one of those insect-eating plants!
            "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

            (Marianne Williamson)

