One of my DDS had purple bridesmaid dresses at her wedding Mimi 
Yes....... sort of. OH had no parents alive when we, met, so it's only her brother ,SIL and 2 nieces. Get on well with both nieces. Get on OK with the other 2 on the surface, though rarely see them. Some of you know the story, re doing my OH out of her inheritance!!
If you are an only child, do you like being one? if you have siblings, do you like being a sibling?

Yes....... sort of. OH had no parents alive when we, met, so it's only her brother ,SIL and 2 nieces. Get on well with both nieces. Get on OK with the other 2 on the surface, though rarely see them. Some of you know the story, re doing my OH out of her inheritance!!
If you are an only child, do you like being one? if you have siblings, do you like being a sibling?