We were both doing a bit of paper work this morning, and OH checked our credit card statement. There was an amount on there we didn't recognise and when he looked at the merchant details there appeared to be no authorisation for it. So he phoned the fraud dept of the credit card company.
After a very long time on the phone, they cancelled his card and refunded the money, so now he's got to wait 5 days for a new card to be issued! It was only £48 something but he reported it last month as well, but because it wasn't authorised they couldn't cancel it, so we were hoping it was just a one off.
You can imagine if a fraudster gets hold of lots of different card details and just takes a relatively small amount each month, many people wouldn't notice.
It messed up our plans for this morning and OH has got the inconvenience of not having his CC for a few days, but better than then losing £48 every month which I guess is what would have happened.
We were saying that so many people don't check their statements thoroughly some fraudsters must get away with murder.
