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Notice Periods at Work ??

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    Notice Periods at Work ??

    The Charity Shop where I work is closing down and all business is being moved to my DDs shop in the next Town to me,if you remember I took over the job purely by default when they where desperate for the shop to stay open now it has come to the end of the lease and they are not renewing it again,it will be a sad loss to the local area but its just way the business is progressing
    and I can understand that to some extent,what I needed to know is how do I stand financially would any of you knowledgeable ladies know ? I am due 15 days holiday pay agreed with that dreadful Area Manager but she has said I will only get 1 weeks notice of termination of employment prior to the 28th Feb when the lease runs out, I have always been paid monthly so I was under the understanding I would receive a full months notice or in lieu of this period,but she is insisting I am only entitled to 1 one week,is this because I have worked for the Company for less than the standard 2 years which automatically entitles you to a redundancy package,I will be 6 weeks short of this period as I never started on the payroll until May 2015.Any input would be gratefully received.
    Keep Calm,You're Fabulous

    Glamm - do you have a written contract of employment?
    "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

    (Marianne Williamson)


      Did you have a contract, it will say how much notice you should be given.
      What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


        Glamm - just done a bit of checking up. I'm afraid you are not legally entitled to redundancy because you fall short of the 2 years. However most reasonable organisations would take a view.... especially since you are so close to the 2 year hurdle. You are entitled to your full annual holiday entitlement, unless you have already taken some annual leave in this current leave year because you could have taken all your entitlement before the shop closed. If you are paid on a monthly basis your are entitled to a month's paid notice. However, there may recently have been a change in this legislation and it would be a good idea to go to the Citizens' Advice Bureau for the up to date position. These notice and payment decisions aren't the prerogative of your local Lovely Area Manager (!) it's up to the HR Department (if the charity has one) and they should write to you explaining your full entitlement, and they should also give you notice in writing. Otherwise you may have grounds to claim against them in an industrial tribunal.

        I hope that helps.

        Edit: I've just had a quick look at their website where they quote their vision as being 'inspired by Christ's message to love our neighbour as ourselves'. I'd be tempted to remind your Lovely Area Manager that their staff are neighbours, too!
        "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

        (Marianne Williamson)


          Daisy has done the legwork on this, so nothing much I can add.
          I would think they certainly should pay you a months pay, as anything less seems unreasonable. Whether they will or not is another matter. Best of luck with this Glamma!
          “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


            I do have a contract somewhere I will look in my files when I go back into work on Tuesday,the weeks notice period is rather cutting as I won't be able to arrange a close down/goodbye
            tea-party thingy for my regular customers Daisy you are spot on with the ethos statement my friend,I know my AM is not at fault but a girl has to have someone to have a go at doesn't she and she is right in my firing line just at the minute.I feel I have been used for the past 22mths and feel very sad about it.The Charity are expecting me to cover for DDs holidays at half term
            at end of February but on a volunteer basis and I don't know what to do I feel like telling them to find someone else to do the job its a wee bit raw really.
            Keep Calm,You're Fabulous


              Glam - I can understand that you feel 'used' in being asked to cover for your DD as a volunteer. If they have rules they cannot or will not bend for you perhaps they could at least pay you for that week. I know you don't want to let your DD down, but in my opinion the charity has a moral, if not legal, duty to you.

              Let us know if there is anything in your contract that might help. xx
              "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

              (Marianne Williamson)


                Glamma, i hope you get what you deserve.You have worked so hard for the charity.
                Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.

