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Guess who was stupid ???

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    Guess who was stupid ???

    I went to my emails as usual Tuesday morning and saw a message from pay-pal,I just glanced at it and as I was off to work decided to leave it until later,when I looked at it when I got home it asked for me to update my details,I didn't even think anything about it as my new bank card had arrived on Monday and it did need updating on my paypal account,I only use it for paypal posting and the rest is drawn out into the Las Vegas pot.Massive mistake by me !! it was a scam email and I am always so careful I just didn't notice,luckily whoever used the details only managed to take just under £10s from my paypal balance and my bank refused payment of the balance,so all yesterday nearly on to fraud dept at paypal and my bank and they where great
    about my lapse in concentration,new card ordered and paypal have refunded the balance taken from my account.
    I honestly do read all my incoming mail and delete anything which looks dodgy and I just don't know why I did this my mind must have been on another planet somewhere I'm just so glad I take my money out as soon as it builds up a bit or I could have lost a lot more.Up until 8pm last night my bank messaged me that there where 5 attempts to buy on line all where refused as I noticed the problem and I must give massive credit to paypal & my bank who zoomed in on the unusual purchases.(glamma wearing the dunces hat to-day and sitting in the corner)
    Keep Calm,You're Fabulous

    Oh dear Glamma Those PP things can look convincing, I'm sorry it happened, but glad at least that you only lots £10, and that PP and you bank were so vigilant.
    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


      Glam easy done when your busy and distracted lucky you realised so quickly now you will be more vigilant so something good came from it
      Im not fat just 6ft too small


        Pleased they only took £10. A lesson to be learned.As others have said, easy done when you are busy and get distracted.
        Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


          Glam well done for spotting your lapse do quickly. These scammers generally test an account with a small amount and then if that goes through they hit with a much larger amount.

          Well done to P P and your bank, too. You're not in the dunce's corner because you stopped the scammers before the did any real damage.
          "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

          (Marianne Williamson)


            Glam, a nightmare but you sorted it wonderfully. Every day I get something like this. Have to keep telling OH NEVER click on any links. Modern technology is fantastic but it brings all this with it for us to cope with.
            Only those who risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go. T.S Eliot


              As the others have said, they are so clever and they caught you when you were unaware of what the bxxxxxrs were after. Very pleased it wall worked out in your favour Glam
              What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                Glam don't be too hard on yourself, I could have easily have done the same thing. these scam emails look just like the real thing, it's so easy to be taken in by them.
                Bring me sunshine in your smile.


                  I got caught on a yahoo one - OH had mentioned that he had to pay for our bt accounts and then had an e-mail saying they would be closed. I was concerned because of the gynae cancer group e-mail and so they caught me off guard. I guess that is what they rely on - catching people when they have their guard down.


                    All's well that ends well Glam. My DD said if anyone like that sends an email it will always have your, Dear Glam etc. not sure if this is correct.
                    "Good friends help you to find important things when you have lost them....your smile, your hope, and your courage."

                    (Doe Zantamata.)


                      Originally posted by Mamar* View Post
                      All's well that ends well Glam. My DD said if anyone like that sends an email it will always have your, Dear Glam etc. not sure if this is correct.
                      Thats what paypal Customer Service girl said when I told her what the email said,she said they always refer to your as Dear Glamma etc,then low and behold don't I find another one in my in box this am and the card number was also tried on line yesterday afternoon but it had been blocked by then.I looked at my paypal balance this am and they have already refunded the missing money so credit where its due to paypal.Poor John's ears are ringing with me reminding him not to open emails if he uses the tablet at all,he browse's the vintage car sections when he has spare time so he is on high "alert mode" according to him.
                      Alls well that ends well it could have been a much more expensive experience.
                      Keep Calm,You're Fabulous

