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Pancake Day and Valentine's Day

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    Pancake Day and Valentine's Day

    These two days are coming thick and fast this week, on Tuesday and Wednesday!

    Will you be doing anything to mark either?
    As it is half term GS1 will be here all day tomorrow, so I expect we will make pancakes.
    OH and I will exchange a card for Valentine's Day, but that will be it around here!

    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown

    I always make pancakes but we don’t ‘do’ Valentine’s Day!
    Grandmothers are just antique little girls - author unknown


      If there is such a thing as Bah Humbug for Valentine’s Day and pancakes day then it would apply to us.

      Won’t be cooking pancakes as to be honest it hasn’t occurred to me, pancake day has sort of crept up on me and as for Valentine’s Day we don’t bother anymore.
      Bring me sunshine in your smile.


        We make Pancakes any time so not a traditionalist with them ,
        Valentines day is DS 37th Birthday , sent a card to him but don't do cards for each other anymore , we agreed a few years ago not to send cards we don't need one day to show we love each other , we leave it to the young

        I would prefer to go out for a meal maybe a week later when its not all hype
        Im not fat just 6ft too small


          I always have pancakes in the freezer.
          We don't do Valentimes day either.
          Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


            We rarely make pancakes on pancake day, we often don't realise it is that day. As GS1 will be here and he loves pancakes, I think I will have to make them tomorrow however!
            “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


              I love pancakes but cannot actually remember the last time I ate or made any and I usually only remember it is pancake day when all the plastic bottles of pancake mix turn up in the supermarket, they aren’t hard to make for goodness sake! We do have a special meal on Valentines Day, well I say special it is the same meal as we would normally have but we open a bottle of fizz. We also give cards but it is a competition to see who can find the most “pass the sick bucket “ card not a sloppy thing. I once bought him one with the most enormous poem in which had him in stitches for ages and it had lacy hearts all over it. I made red velvet cupcakes per instructions from her royal highness for their lunch on Wednesday (not just cakes for lunch you understand) and will put ganache icing and chocolate nears on the top and I have bought chocolate heart lollies for her and Ben but not for Joe who is getting a little bit older and will just roll his eyes at me! I shall give him some of his favourite sweets (lime chocolate Bon Bons). He won’t be here anyway but I like to make sure they all have roughly the same.
              If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together


                Yes I celebrate most things actually lol Pancake Day I love pancakes have all 3 g/c but the twins don’t like pancakes so will wait till they’ve had tea and then eldest g/ d and me will set to pancakes .
                Valentines Day we do exchange cards and I’ve bought his fave chocolate Ferrer Rochere don’t know what I will get but it won’t be flowers we are soppy I know !!!


                  With it being half-term, both GDs will be here. We talked about pancakes today, and I suggested I made them for pudding after lunch tomorrow. GD1 said 'no'. Mummy is making banana pancakes for breakfast and she didn't want any more. Mummy makes American-style pancakes, but I was thinking of the kind your can toss and stick to the ceiling! I explained our would be different, but still 'no'. At the time she was tucking into chocolate ice cream sprinkled with pomegranate seeds. Mmmmmm...... "Would you like them as a snack in the afternoon?" I suggested. Both little faces broke into beaming smiles "Oh, yes, please, Grandma", they chorused!!!

                  Me and my big mouth! I haven't got any plain Gluten-free flour in, and can't get it locally! So I'm going to try either rice flour or SR Gluten-free flour. Any ideas which would be best?

                  We don't 'do' Valentines Day. Some years ago OH came home from work very late (about 10 pm) with a huge bunch of flowers. 'Sorry', he mumbled, 'I forgot what day it was'. I looked puzzled. 'What do you mean?' 'Valentine's Day', he replied. It was a few minutes before I could stop laughing long enough to gasp 'It's the 14 November, you plonker'!!! Then we got each other identical cards one year, so now we've given up!

                  "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                  (Marianne Williamson)


                    We got each other the same card one year as well Daisy!
                    If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together


                      Anyone made pancakes today ?
                      Bring me sunshine in your smile.


                        Yes, GS1 is eating his second as I type! I have saved some batter so we can have one each later.
                        “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                          Yes, me! The GDs didn't want them as 'pudding' after lunch - they didn't want to miss out on ice cream, so I made them mid-afternoon. I made gluten-free ones from a recipe DIL1 gave me ages ago and they were lovely with lots of fresh lemon juice and a little caster sugar. I don't know why I use caster sugar, except that my mother always did. What do other people use?
                          "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                          (Marianne Williamson)


                            On Sunday afternoon we had traditional pancake races in the village. Men’s, ladies and children’s. I won’t post pictures of the children as I don’t have permission, but here’s one with me!
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                            Grandmothers are just antique little girls - author unknown


                              Made pancakes for 5 of us tonight. Must say they were yummy, made from scratch. But the mix you buy is nice and saves the mess.
                              "What doesn't kill us,makes us stronger."

