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May Day

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    Just been out for a walk and it seems more like November. Brrrr! Glad to get back indoors though it looks as if it will be two hours of the Grand Prix.


      We have had a quiet day to-day no visitors at all they are all doing their own thing,it has rained on and off so I gave up at the second attempt to put out some washing,just stuff for work so not needed until Tuesday,I thought I would get Tuesday off as well as my normal day off on Monday (it being a BH and all that) but apparently you have to book it off in advance now according to my new Area Manager,I never had that problem before I just got it covered and took it off,(I must have serious words with this woman I can feel we may fall out) lol.
      To-morrow I am going to replant my hanging basket to the front downstairs I know I said I wasn't going to the expense again as the lady downstairs never contributes but I need to have nice baskets in the front it sets the tone to the frontage of the home I think (says Hyacynth Bucket)
      Keep Calm,You're Fabulous


        I have had no plans for today other than get washing done and hung outside in the lovely sunshine today. Have done all GC school uniforms and PE kits, mum was working all day today so it helped out.


          Avo - very happy 30th to your son, and belated best wishes to your GS for his 3rd.

          It's been dry and sunny here today, but started to get cold about 5 pm. We've had a stream of visitors, plus working in the front garden lots of chats with neighbours passing by. But I did get some of the planting done. Hopefully I can get the rest done tomorrow.

          Glamm - I think your new AM needs someone to tell her her fortune!

          "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

          (Marianne Williamson)


            It was our GS's 1st birthday, cannot believe it is a full year already, he's beautiful, DS bought him a ring thing a bit like a paddling pool where you put the balls in, thinking he might play in there with his toys, no he just lay across the sides until flat and crawled, so that plan didnt work haha...

            We have been out Saturday night for a meal, then Sunday Afternoon for pub lunch, i still feel stuffed, still managed deserts both times...
            How does a child spell Love..........T.I.M.E


              Shift work (husband) means that generally speaking bank holidays do not mean a thing to us. I usually end up doing some work. I went to my unit this morning to get some give always for the kids who are going to be on one of my sites tomorrow and I have a lot of other stuff to do. The chap is coming to do the boiler tomorrow so I am just moving things around so he can get to the radiators easily. No hot water or heating after tonight until Wednesday deep joy. Husband due home about 4pm so today is just a normal day for me!
              If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together


                Well Bank Holiday weather grey windy, light rain and cold. Anyone out there got sun?
                Be careful when blindly following the Masses.
                Sometimes the 'M' is silent.


                  There is some sun at Heathrow but it is hiding behind white clouds, it is quite warm here though and breezy so hopefully my washing will dry.
                  If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together


                    It's turned into a beautiful sunny afternoon here in South Wales!


                      Today started off bright and sunny, but now it is raining! It's been the same weather pattern for several days now. My Art class was still on today so that was this afternoon taken care of, but the lady I take phoned to say her OH had died at the weekend. He'd been in a nursing home for a few months now, but his dementia was getting worse and he slipped away quietly. She was with him, holding his hand, which brought a lump to my throat. He was a nice man, so now I'm waiting to find out when the funeral will be. Some other members of the class said they'd go too. Feeling sad!
                      Believe you can and you're halfway there.
                      Theodore Roosevelt.


                        Awww, WG, that is sad.

                        Terrible wet morning when DD, GS and I went to look at some of the scarecrows. In the end we retreated to one of the village cafes for lunch. This afternoon, when I was working the sun came out!
                        “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                          WG - that's sad, but I'm sure your fellow artist will be glad that she was there right at the end.

                          It's been cold and miserable here, but didn't start to rain until about 10 seconds after I decided I'd brave the cold and get some more plants put in the garden. Oh dear, so I had to stay indoors.

                          "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                          (Marianne Williamson)

