I know we don't have many Halloween fans here, but Oma and I certainly are 
There will be no trick or treating this year, and either no Halloween parties, or very small ones - depending on where you live and where we are with lockdown regulations in a months time.
I Intend to decorate the front window for Halloween, and make a pumpkin lantern. I will leave a bowl of wrapped little bags of sweet on the drive with the pumpkin. Then any parents taking children around to see the pumpkins can take them if they choose.
So many fun things have gone this year, and no one knows that next year will be a lot different, so anything fun is worth doing in my opinion.
I know there is a general move for families to go around the neighbourhood looking for pumpkins and then giving the children a sweet (that the parents have with them) each time they see one. I think this is a good idea.

There will be no trick or treating this year, and either no Halloween parties, or very small ones - depending on where you live and where we are with lockdown regulations in a months time.
I Intend to decorate the front window for Halloween, and make a pumpkin lantern. I will leave a bowl of wrapped little bags of sweet on the drive with the pumpkin. Then any parents taking children around to see the pumpkins can take them if they choose.
So many fun things have gone this year, and no one knows that next year will be a lot different, so anything fun is worth doing in my opinion.
I know there is a general move for families to go around the neighbourhood looking for pumpkins and then giving the children a sweet (that the parents have with them) each time they see one. I think this is a good idea.
