Today is the Spring Equinox when we have equal hours of light and dark. From today the days will be longer than the nights, and I think that's something to celebrate in these difficult times.
Ostara Blessings - Ostara is an Anglo-Saxon goddess who represents dawn. She oversees the budding plants and the increasing fertility of the earth. It's a season of renewal, balance, clearing and cleansing. It's marked by several major religions, including Holi, the Hindu festival of colours, Purim, a Jewish festival and of course the Christian festival of Easter.
I think most of us need a reason to look forward at the moment, and for me seeing nature stirring from winter and blossoming into life and activity again is life-enhancing. As always there's a practical side - we've started clearing out stuff from the loft, and seeing a pile of old boxes and other things going off in the recycling van this morning was quite therapeutic. It doesn't take much to make me happy!
Ostara Blessings - Ostara is an Anglo-Saxon goddess who represents dawn. She oversees the budding plants and the increasing fertility of the earth. It's a season of renewal, balance, clearing and cleansing. It's marked by several major religions, including Holi, the Hindu festival of colours, Purim, a Jewish festival and of course the Christian festival of Easter.
I think most of us need a reason to look forward at the moment, and for me seeing nature stirring from winter and blossoming into life and activity again is life-enhancing. As always there's a practical side - we've started clearing out stuff from the loft, and seeing a pile of old boxes and other things going off in the recycling van this morning was quite therapeutic. It doesn't take much to make me happy!
