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The Easter holidays

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    The Easter holidays

    Where Iive we are halfway through week one of the school holidays. I know it varies around the country.
    Does this mean you have your grandchildren more or less than usual?

    My GS is 2, so it makes no difference in his case. Once a week as usual.
    GD is in her first year at school, so on the day I normally pick her up from school she comes for the day. Next week we are having a day out at build a bear, having lunch etc. She doesn't know about this yet
    Today we had a day a home. She misses her days at Grandmas, only getting them when she comes for the weekend. We made Easter nests with rice crispies, chocolate and mini eggs. We watched Chitty Chity Bang Bang. GD dressed up as a princess (Arabian appantly) and I was her servant! We coloured in and she drew some easter badges and cut them out. Now she is watching c beebies before her tea. Nice to have her all day again, like pre school times
    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown

    That sounds like a lovely day for you both
    What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


      We're trying to take elder GD to see Cinderella but cannot make it as yet, and this will also mean a sleepover and some noodles or a pizza! Plus giant popcorns of course. The younger one is 3 this month and it will be too 'old' for her she is still a cartoon kinda gal Tomorrow their dad is taking them to the Dome for swimming and a day out.

      Their Easter eggs are ready for them.
      Only those who risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go. T.S Eliot


        None of my GCs break up until tomorrow, but the GSs' Mum is taking 2 weeks off work, and their dad is having the second week off. If mum and dad are working we usually have the boys for a few days, or go up to theirs to look after them.

        GD2 is the one whose daddy is poorly, so it's hard to make any plans at the moment, and I don't know when their other gran will be having them either (she's a teacher so will be on holiday, too). We've said we'll try an organise a couple of days out for the girls, but lots of things are weather dependent, and what is suitable for one GD isn't for the other. At least the Easter eggs are organised!
        "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

        (Marianne Williamson)


          Our schools break up tomorrow as DIL is a teacher we don't know when we will get to see them two, but Josh we will have a few days , DD off Friday and Monday
          Im not fat just 6ft too small


            R got a half day and it is the start of his holidays , he is playing lego at the moment , but only because his tablet and my Kindle need charged , but he is enjoying it till OH comes in and starts on about mess C came in off the Bus and got the key for home , he took school bags and stuff away and came back for tea , It took two tins of beans and two lots of sausages to feed us tonight I think they are here on Friday and not sure about next week


              I'm travelling 10,000 miles to spend some of the Easter hols with my GS....
              A day without wine is like a day without sunshine....


                Our GD is only a baby still so nothing special for Easter this year but we will do the Easter egg hunt when she's older.
                I'm looking forward to all the special things we will do together. All those very precious memories just waiting to be made!!


                  Im not buying Easter eggs for my lot this year they get plenty ,we gave J money today he was very pleased with that , O and S are getting clothes. Bought S a lovely Pepper Pig dress today she`s mad for Pepper and O is into Mine craft so he is getting a t shirt with that on and money .
                  Skye have a wonderfull time doesn't seem a year since you were there last , I bet your GS has grown a lot he will be towering above you now

                  Im not fat just 6ft too small


                    Ours break up tomorrow lunchtime so we will have them for a bit longer. W has already decided he wants to make a lemon drizzle cake - on his own! Hmm we'll see!! We will be seeing them over the weekend as DS and GF are coming up so there will be an outing though not sure where or what. Then we are having them for 2 days instead of 1 next week. No Easter eggs - usually buy them a book or book token.


                      Oma yes it seems like yesterday I was there , it has flown by and yes my GS will be towering over me being now 5ft10 and me 5ft with heels....
                      A day without wine is like a day without sunshine....


                        First day of the holiday tomorrow and GS and GD are coming here for the day. They get here at seven forty-five and get collected at six. GS is easy to please although would spend all day on the computer if allowed. GD not so easy. Short attention span and low boredom threshold. I have done an Easter lucky dip with small gifts (inexpensive) and Easter goodies from the Chocolate Hotel who do nice little bits for kids. Each item is wrapped and it is a different colour paper so they know which ones are theirs. I did this at Christmas and they loved it so decided to repeat. We might make cupcakes and perhaps do some drawing and, if the weather is okay, go for a walk with each taking a football to kick about on the prom. We are having them one full day each week but it works out to be three Thursdays this time rather than the usual two.
                        Be careful when blindly following the Masses.
                        Sometimes the 'M' is silent.


                          Easter lucky dip is a nice idea Bizzy Lizzy!
                          I didn't do eggs this year. We are taking GD to Build A Bear for her treat and bought GS some 'boys toys' type stuff that he loves!
                          “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                            No easter eggs bought here the kids all have new outfits and a toy each, I always buy the men a bottle of red wine and the girls flowers.
                            We are out for breakfast on Good Friday with DS, DIL and cherubs and DD for sunday lunch


                              The boys are going to the other GPs ............. whoopeeeeeeeeeeeee

