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Mothers Day

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    Mothers Day

    As I am daughter as well as mum and grandma, I always do something for my mum on Mothers Day and invite family and if I am lucky some at least can come. Usually I do a Sunday roast here in recent years, as mum prefers not to go out for meals now.

    I had decided to do this again, when DD2 invited to us all to hers for an afternoon-tea-at-lunchtime. We can all take something, plenty of room for the 3 children to play, and a change for me as well as mum.

    I found out that OH had had a quiet word about how although a mum myself, I always end up hosting and doing all the work. Most unlike OH! DD immediately agreed and said she would like to host. So, I am looking forward to it

    DD3 is double booked, but will drop in at some point during the day.
    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown

    A lovely idea Gem, I'm sure Mums old and young will enjoy it!
    Believe you can and you're halfway there.
    Theodore Roosevelt.


      I agree it’s your day as well. !!!!! I tell my DD and Dil not to come on Mother’s Day as it’s there day too and to come the day before, sometimes they don’t listen to me sometimes I’m invited to DDs
      OH treats me well on Mothers Day although he keeps telling me as I get my breakfast in bed “ your not my mother you know “


        That will be lovely for you Gem.
        Bless your OH for having a word.
        Not very often i see my 2 on Mothers day,as they both work Sundays.
        I always get cards from them and usually chocolates and flowers.
        Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


          Perhaps having just sons makes it a bit different, but I don't really expect them to do anything for Mother's Day - they have to organise their own children to treat their own mothers, my DILs. It's not as though I 'mother' them in any way any more.

          OH wouldn't know if it was Mother's Day or Christmas. He's much better at remembering Father's Day!!!

          But Gem, good for your OH - it's yet another occasion in the year when you have been the sandwich filling caring for the other 2 generations.

          "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

          (Marianne Williamson)


            Eldest DD invited me for dinner on mother's day, but had to decline sadly as youngest DS had beaten her to it 😀 I encourage my DD's to visit on the Saturday if they wish, so they get to have their own special day with their girls. Won't see youngest DD this year 😢
            "What doesn't kill us,makes us stronger."


              We are not decided as yet as the 10th is my DGDs 16th birthday and we are having an open house at DDs that day up until 6pm so I will be on duty keeping the stocks up on the food side of things.
              Keep Calm,You're Fabulous


                Always see both my son and daughter on Mothers Day. My son goes home to his wife after visit as it is her day too, and probably will have dinner out somewhere with my daughter coz she is also a mother.


                  Mamma-mia - how lovely that you see both son and daughter. It's not always easy for families to get together on a given day, and our children seem to lead even busier lives than we did at that age.
                  "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                  (Marianne Williamson)


                    Got an invite to tea at DS on Saturday re Mothers Day 👍🏻 of course I accepted 😁


                      We'll be in London on Mother's Day having spent the night there to celebrate OH's birthday! Maybe I'll get treated to a champagne brunch......or if GS's football has restarted, maybe not!
                      Believe you can and you're halfway there.
                      Theodore Roosevelt.


                        Doing well got an invite our sil paying for us a meal out together on Sunday 😊
                        Last edited by Qwerty; 08-03-2018, 06:59 PM.


                          Youngesr DS rang and invited me to lunch on Sunday and he’s the cook in their family. Elder DS has to go to his MIL as they spent last 2 years here and she wasn’t very happy about it, it’s not my fault they prefer coming here!🤭
                          Grandmothers are just antique little girls - author unknown


                            Nothing mentioned here yet, usually something happens.
                            What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                              We taking MIL out for lunch on Saturday ,
                              Sunday DS said he's coming with the children ( like the last 3 Sundays show ) so I'm not holding my breath on that .
                              DD is calling with my card and gift although I said no gifts its her day too , we usually go out for mothers day lunch .SIL's treat but J has a big match on Sunday so will do it next weekend instead
                              Im not fat just 6ft too small

