My OH's brother owns a florist business. For many years OH has done deliveries at busy times - Valentines Day, Mothers Day and Christmas. Now she is retired she also occasionally covers the odd day if they have problem with the deliveries. If I can I go with her, as it is much easier with 2. She drives, I do most of the delivering.
The area covered is wide, and covers many country villages and small towns. The closest to us being about 10 miles away. We cover a lot of miles on a days delivering. Mothers Day is the busiest time (Zizi will remember all this as they had a florists business) OH and I delivered yesterday from 9 to 5, and today OH was there at 8am, and I imagine it will take all day. She was also asked to do tomorrow. She has no mum and no children, so before she was with me she did deliver on Mothers Day. Now my family is her family, so Mothers Day is with us.
Delivering flowers to grateful ladies, out and about in the North Yorkshire countryside sounds idyllic. In many ways it is, especially on a fine day. Yesterday however it rained heavily all day. I really hate the rain, it makes me miserable. I could never be a dog owner and have to go out in the rain day after day! In and out of the car all day, walking in puddles and mud, poor flowers and envelopes getting wet, it wasn't much fun!
As we cover a wide area, there is a lot of driving around. People with nice normal addresses, with clear numbers, with no fierce dogs and easy to open or preferably no gates are my favourite! Oh, and ones who are home!
If they are not home you have to find a neighbour willing to take the flowers. You then fill in a card telling them this, and put it through the door.
Rose Cottage, Such-and-such village is a common address type. So then you have to crawl along in the car trying to read house names. (If people must name their house rather than give the number, I so wish they had clear name plates which can be read from the road!!) Yesterday this could only be done by winding down the window due to the rain, then the rain came in!
This time, for the first time since I have done it, we had several wrong addresses, so had to phone the shop. Not only in this annoying and time wasting, I felt bad to disappoint the lady in the first house and to have brought the elderly man with Parkinson's to the door at the second
Flowers for 27 which were really for 21, for 8 which were really for 6. It wasn't us misreading, they had clearly written the wrong number. We were stumped by number 96 on a road which only went to 50. It was 9b!! Why not write 9B, to be clear!
Added to this we had to drive through lots of flooded areas, where I was afraid we would get stuck on lonely country roads.
It's not all bad. I saw lots of happy faces, and got to deliver to a ladies room in a warden run place. She was lovely, and so was the place. If I had to go into somewhere like that I would sign up for that one tomorrow if I could afford it!
I delivered birthday flowers with card and balloon to a lady around my age or a little older. She had 3 cute little dogs (white and fluffy, I'm not up on dog breeds!) One was in the ladies arms the others kept running down the steps. She kept saying 'Hugo, come to mummy!' I gently put them in the door and said I would shut it while she kept the doggies in. I left there with a smile on my face

The area covered is wide, and covers many country villages and small towns. The closest to us being about 10 miles away. We cover a lot of miles on a days delivering. Mothers Day is the busiest time (Zizi will remember all this as they had a florists business) OH and I delivered yesterday from 9 to 5, and today OH was there at 8am, and I imagine it will take all day. She was also asked to do tomorrow. She has no mum and no children, so before she was with me she did deliver on Mothers Day. Now my family is her family, so Mothers Day is with us.
Delivering flowers to grateful ladies, out and about in the North Yorkshire countryside sounds idyllic. In many ways it is, especially on a fine day. Yesterday however it rained heavily all day. I really hate the rain, it makes me miserable. I could never be a dog owner and have to go out in the rain day after day! In and out of the car all day, walking in puddles and mud, poor flowers and envelopes getting wet, it wasn't much fun!
As we cover a wide area, there is a lot of driving around. People with nice normal addresses, with clear numbers, with no fierce dogs and easy to open or preferably no gates are my favourite! Oh, and ones who are home!
If they are not home you have to find a neighbour willing to take the flowers. You then fill in a card telling them this, and put it through the door.
Rose Cottage, Such-and-such village is a common address type. So then you have to crawl along in the car trying to read house names. (If people must name their house rather than give the number, I so wish they had clear name plates which can be read from the road!!) Yesterday this could only be done by winding down the window due to the rain, then the rain came in!
This time, for the first time since I have done it, we had several wrong addresses, so had to phone the shop. Not only in this annoying and time wasting, I felt bad to disappoint the lady in the first house and to have brought the elderly man with Parkinson's to the door at the second

Added to this we had to drive through lots of flooded areas, where I was afraid we would get stuck on lonely country roads.
It's not all bad. I saw lots of happy faces, and got to deliver to a ladies room in a warden run place. She was lovely, and so was the place. If I had to go into somewhere like that I would sign up for that one tomorrow if I could afford it!
I delivered birthday flowers with card and balloon to a lady around my age or a little older. She had 3 cute little dogs (white and fluffy, I'm not up on dog breeds!) One was in the ladies arms the others kept running down the steps. She kept saying 'Hugo, come to mummy!' I gently put them in the door and said I would shut it while she kept the doggies in. I left there with a smile on my face
