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Are you doing anything on Mothers Day?

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    Are you doing anything on Mothers Day?

    It is Mothers Day on Sunday.
    Do you have any plans?

    I have invited my mum over for lunch, and any family who are free to come. Daughters 1 and 2, one son in law, and both grandchildren will be coming.
    Rather than a Sunday roast which I have done the last couple of years, I am going to do a buffet. We used to go out, which was a treat for me as well as mum, but mum got to prefer not to eat out, so I now do it here.
    As usual OH and I will be out doing flower deliveries on Friday and Saturday for her brothers florist, so I won't have a lot of time to pre prepare anything for Sunday, so it will all be easy

    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown

    Gem - it sounds a lovely way to spend the day, even though it's a lot of work.

    We haven't planned anything this year. It's DIL1's birthday on Saturday and they are going out on Sat evening, DIL2 isn't very well and they have a lot of work on at the moment. We were to have been going to an Old Time Music Hall/Lunch on Sunday with about 8 friends but the company providing the entertainment has cancelled, so the whole event has been shelved.

    "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

    (Marianne Williamson)


      My DS is coming over with the two youngest grandchildren on the morning then we are going to DD, SIL is making lunch for us ,& his parents , some years we go out but to be honest I'm not bothered as long as we are together I'm happy 😊
      Im not fat just 6ft too small


        My eldest DD is cooking lunch for us, my other children are coming over to DD's at 3pm for tea and cake as I'm told their gift is from all of them ( very mysterious). Son in law is collecting us so I can have a glass or two of bubbles and my son is bringing us home.
        "What doesn't kill us,makes us stronger."


          It is my DD's birthday too on Sat. we are going to a very local restaurant in the evening. Not sure what is happening on Sunday.
          What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


            DS1 is taking us out to lunch wth his girlfriend and her Mum. Early lunch booked then,weather permitting, a walk to Pennard castle and round the boardwalk on the cliffs overlooking Three Cliffs Bay and Pobbles beach as GF's Mum hasn't seen this area. Then back to ours for coffee and cake.
            Hope everyone enjoys their day whatever their plans.


              had lunch out earlier in the week with eldest DD , hope to spend the day at home with (very) short visit from Son and GC , and several phone calls ( I am hopeless at chit chat on the phone .................. I am a misery guts


                DD, SIL and GS are coming to us for lunch. She did it last year so my turn. . SIL was going to book somewhere to eat out, but to be honest we'd rather have them all to us. More relaxed and they can bring their springer too. DGD is working so we'll see her later in the week. It will be nice to be all together, we don't get chance much these days, they are always so busy.
                "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." - Dr Seuss


                  As far as I know we have nothing planned as it will also GDs 12th birthday so it has been 'high jacked' for her to choose where she wants to go for a meal and up today DD hasn't even booked anywhere so I'm not holding my breath!
                  I would guess they will pop by on Sunday so I will see her and have a lovely birthday cuddle.
                  Last edited by Mimi; 04-03-2016, 10:24 AM.
                  Bring me sunshine in your smile.


                    It's my first Mothering Sunday without my mum, so it's going to be a bit strange. Siblings meeting up with our OHs for lunch.
                    Aggie, you're not a misery guts....You've maybe just got a lot on your plate.
                    "Good friends help you to find important things when you have lost them....your smile, your hope, and your courage."

                    (Doe Zantamata.)


                      We're off to a dear friends for lunch, our DS and DIL and bump are coming, as are dear friends' DD, DSIL and GD1 and GD2 and DS and GF, so we will be 10 and a bump! My other DS and DIL and 2 GS will be hosting mothers day lunch at their house for DIL's Mum. They were coming with us but DIL got a ticking off from her Mum for not spending the last 4 Mothers Day with her . I'm sure she will be back in the good books! These dear friends have shared many family occasions and holidays with our family and we all get along really well so it will be great fun and I am looking forward to it.
                      Grandmothers are just antique little girls - author unknown


                        I hope you all had an enjoyable Mothers Day, whatever you did

                        Mine was lovely, but in no way restful! Because I am a daughter as well as a mum and grandma, I need to do something for my mum. For many years we went out on Mothers Day, sometimes just her and me. Then DDs joined us if they were free. Last year and this I invited mum here, plus any other family who were free. Last year I did a roast, this year a buffet. Mum prefers not to eat out, it's better for the kids to be here especially 3 year old grandson. Lots of work for me though. Made worse by OH delivering Mothers Day flowers all morning

                        However, it was lovely to have 2 of my daughters, my favourite son in law and both my grandchildren heres, as well as my mum.
                        GS was an angel, which he isnt always and he and his cousin played together all afternoon.
                        When I was rushing around getting everything ready (glass of wine in hand LOL) I was telling myself this was the last time - next year we eat out! In the end though it went well, all enjoyed the food, and it was a happy relaxed time. I let OH do the clearing up and drive mum home though
                        “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                          Gem - I'm glad it all went well, but you may have set a tred in your family! If so next year you could perhaps get some of the family to bring food so you don't have to do it all - after all it's your day as well.
                          "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                          (Marianne Williamson)

