Do you have any Easter plans?
Easter seems to have almost taken me by surprise this year! No Easter eggs bought yet. The only Easter cards I bought were for my mum and on behalf of her for others later, so no cards to be bought or sent now.
I will buy the older 3 GC eggs and buy a little gift for GS3. He is 20 months old and I know they won't want him to have chocolate yet.
We will be away Easter weekend, well from Saturday. Good friends of ours have a second home in Scarborough. They will be there for a week and invited us to stay for a couple of days. Hopefully we may meet up with two other mutual friends while we are over there.
We are around Good Friday so I have messaged the DDs to say if anyone is free we are happy to host something on that day. But as yet I don't know what everyone's plans are.
We do usually get together as a family at some point over Easter, but as there is a family get together to celebrate GS2's birthday the following weekend we may not!

Easter seems to have almost taken me by surprise this year! No Easter eggs bought yet. The only Easter cards I bought were for my mum and on behalf of her for others later, so no cards to be bought or sent now.
I will buy the older 3 GC eggs and buy a little gift for GS3. He is 20 months old and I know they won't want him to have chocolate yet.
We will be away Easter weekend, well from Saturday. Good friends of ours have a second home in Scarborough. They will be there for a week and invited us to stay for a couple of days. Hopefully we may meet up with two other mutual friends while we are over there.
We are around Good Friday so I have messaged the DDs to say if anyone is free we are happy to host something on that day. But as yet I don't know what everyone's plans are.
We do usually get together as a family at some point over Easter, but as there is a family get together to celebrate GS2's birthday the following weekend we may not!
