As we are planning to put up our decs on Sunday it got me thinking, do you have any rules when it comes to colour coordinating your decorations, especially the tree.
I ask because many photos are now on Facebook of near perfect trees that look like they have been trimmed by professionals. Many have remarked how trashy it is to have more than two main colours on the tree. I have to say most remarks are from the under 30s .
These trees look beautiful and in my mind I think ours tree will take on a red and gold theme that’s not generally what ends up happening.
Over the years I have collected tree decorations made by my DC and then later DGC which are a huge array of colours and shapes which have pride of place on the tree. Then it’s mums favourite bauble that is blue in colour and that no longer has a hook to attach it to the trees, it has a a loop of knitting wool that mum hastily found when the hook broke . She was determined to have it on the tree with a promise that she would find something more suitable rather than wool later. This was about 50 years ago so obviously mum never did replace the wool. This is also a must fit the tree.
To me it’s more important to have these little mementos than a perfect tree.
We do have a sort of ‘theme’ when it comes to the rest of the room, old fashioned Father Christmas, snow globe and a snowman that sits by the TV . Along with a pair of wooden stockings hanging by the fireplace and soft white lights that just about sums up our decorations, no rules, just what we like , as it should be I think.
I ask because many photos are now on Facebook of near perfect trees that look like they have been trimmed by professionals. Many have remarked how trashy it is to have more than two main colours on the tree. I have to say most remarks are from the under 30s .
These trees look beautiful and in my mind I think ours tree will take on a red and gold theme that’s not generally what ends up happening.
Over the years I have collected tree decorations made by my DC and then later DGC which are a huge array of colours and shapes which have pride of place on the tree. Then it’s mums favourite bauble that is blue in colour and that no longer has a hook to attach it to the trees, it has a a loop of knitting wool that mum hastily found when the hook broke . She was determined to have it on the tree with a promise that she would find something more suitable rather than wool later. This was about 50 years ago so obviously mum never did replace the wool. This is also a must fit the tree.
To me it’s more important to have these little mementos than a perfect tree.
We do have a sort of ‘theme’ when it comes to the rest of the room, old fashioned Father Christmas, snow globe and a snowman that sits by the TV . Along with a pair of wooden stockings hanging by the fireplace and soft white lights that just about sums up our decorations, no rules, just what we like , as it should be I think.