I have ordered some wooden kitchen toys for GGD this is the first time we have really gone out and done special present shopping for her as she was only 9mths old last xmas and didn't understand if it was xmas day or shrove Tuesday so I am getting excited as she is so respondent to new things,I am going to Next to buy her a winter coat as she will be out of her big pram this winter and using a walking rein some of the time when new baby arrives in March.All the rest are getting vouchers and £s and DD is getting a surprise holiday away with John and I for about April but she always gets a surprise on the tree if she has been a good girl
This year we are having xmas day again at DDs and I shall supply all the goodies as DD is finding it hard to manage financially even though she works full time,her X has stopped providing for the children he has gone abroad to work so she is finding things tight even though she is keeping her head above water luckily enough she has 2 x DGSs who are in full time work to help out with bills etc.
