I went to our Tangent Ladies Christmas meeting this week which was a dinner meeting with games. The best game was the Present Game. Everyone brings a gift purchased for £1, beautifully wrapped and the organisers bring in some booby prizes, also beautifully wrapped. Each table is given a mixture of these gifts and each person a number. When your number is called you take a gift and unwrap it. If you don't like it you can swap it for something you fancy that someone else has got, but only while it is your go. The booby prizes caused much hilarity, one hold up stocking, a tea bag, a box of spent matches and so on. Needless to say there are many swaps taking place as you can't refuse to swap. Your number is called out two or three times during the game so everyone gets a chance to swap. It is great fun.
Does anyone else play silly games?
Does anyone else play silly games?