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The Seasonal Thread!! (for our posts about Christmas, Easter, New Year etc

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    The Seasonal Thread!! (for our posts about Christmas, Easter, New Year etc

    We have just been discussing Christmas. I am looking for boxes for Christmas Eve boxes for the children, I wanted something different but the ones I am looking at are really more expensive than I want to pay so I will revert to my usual boxes picked up in the supermarket.

    I asked husband what he wanted for Christmas and his response was that he doesn't need anything. Well yes I know, neither do I really. He said we shod buy a joint present and we agreed on a new iPad. We both know it is me who uses it and he never does unless he is watching a playback thingie but he says that I use it for so much more like Sainsbury shopping, clothes shopping for us both, birthday presents etc. so will be happy for a new one. Then we will buy small gifts for each other. Goodness knows what! I am easy (don't say a word ANYONE esp OMA) as jewellery is more than acceptable for me and anything like little trinket boxes etc. are lovely. He on the other hand is very difficult to buy for. I do usually get him a couple of hard back books although he has recently been reading on my kindle. He only reads on holiday anyway. Ho hum , will have to put my thinking cap on......

    Don't you think he is very kind to suggest the iPad (hipad is Sadiekins was here)?
    Last edited by ZIZI; 11-10-2015, 03:28 PM.
    If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together

    Zizi, for the past couple of years OH and I haven't bought big presents for each other at Christmas . We do stockings and small gifts, and I always get her a calendar with some of the years photos on. The last big presents we got and gave each other were the Samsung tablet and the greenhouse. We prefer to spend the money on trips, or just on something throughout the year which we want, rather than something big just because it's Christmas. OH never wants anything anyway!
    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


      It's the same in our house we don't need or want anything so we just do little stocking fillers and wait till we need something during the year and buy each other what we want , I think you do get to that point in your life when you really don't need anything , my worst is SIL,S Dad he's a nightmare to buy for we only give token gifts to each other £20 per couple , she's easy any little trinket she loves a broach ,purse, trinket box , anything like that but I never can think of anything for him , it usually ends up with a book token or something similar .
      Im not fat just 6ft too small


        I buy him a bottle of Port and he buys me a bottle of Gin everything else is spent on the GKs and 3 adult daughters plus money to two adult GKs.

        Christmas Pudding and cake is the only part of Christmas I actually enjoy. DD makes a cake and gives us half. I buy a Heston or something similar Pud for us. My days of baking are over thank goodness, but I have to say I did enjoy doing this when DD was young. Now it's her turn and very good she is at it too!
        Only those who risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go. T.S Eliot

