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Turkey anyone?

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    Turkey anyone?

    What do you have for your main Christmas dinner?
    Turkey, Chicken,pork? Or something else all together?

    This morning on TV they were talking about the younger generation moving towards less traditional meals.

    I grew up with the traditional turkey roast, and I still remember that morning roasting turkey smell being part of my childhood Christmas memories.

    We always had turkey when bringing up the children. Since OH and I have been together it was us two and mum for a few years, when we either had a turkey crown or chicken.
    The past 3 years we have spent Christmas Day at DD2's and we had turkey.
    This year we will be at DD3's and I know it wont be turkey but not what it will be!

    It is a privilege to be asked to share Christmas with family, so I will happily eat whatever is offered.
    SIL3 is an excellent cook do it will be good. We are taking Christmas pud so I know we will have that!

    I am wishing I could have a roast turkey dinner at some point though!
    It won't happen as our Christmas meal out with friends is at our local Chinese this year. Very good food, but no turkey!

    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown

    We always had a roast Christmas lunch, I have done it a few times here, this year I am going to DS1 on Christmas Eve for .......... a barbecue ! They have a patio etc so we won't be out in the cold! DS2 will be there as well.


      We always have Turkey and another meat,
      This year it will be Turkey and Pork, I have to stand in line and collect our pre ordered from the farm shop butcher on the 23rd.
      I am a big fan of Turkey, not everyone likes it though.

      My DD will cook the Turkey and B will cook the pork.
      Last year we had lamb and it wasn't very nice SIL cooked it and it was well over done but we all ate it , he tried so hard 😁
      Im not fat just 6ft too small


        I am eating next door, there will be 4 vegetarians and 3 meat eaters.
        What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


          We have got a turkey crown. more often than not we had turkey when i was little.
          I can remember having a goose one year, but i can't remember what it tasted like,or if i liked it.
          Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


            When I was a child we never had turkey (I didn't know anybody who did). It varied from year to year - chicken, capon, goose, beef, pork and one year we had duck, but I don't think my mum liked it.

            We always have turkey now. DS2 buys one from a local farm shop, and I cook it. No pressure, eh!!!
            "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

            (Marianne Williamson)

