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Missing people at Christmas

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    Missing people at Christmas

    Some of us have lost loved ones since last Christmas. All of us have lost loved ones at some point and Christmas can bring back all sorts of memories and make the losses seem keener.

    So for all of us, we should hang on to happy memories of past Christmases with those we loved, and celebrate in memory of them as they would want us to.

    Do you do anything in particular to remember loved ones at this time of year?
    My mum's and dad's ashes are now reunited and laid to rest as was their wish. I want to leave a Christmas bouquet and some holly from our garden on the grave, before Christmas.
    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown

    Gem, that is a lovely idea to take a bouquet and holly to your Dad and Mum's grave.

    I have a tiny Christmas tree ornament - just a little tear drop shape with a loop on, from when I was about 7. I don't always put it on the tree but I always look forward to finding it in the box of decorations and remembering ...
    "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

    (Marianne Williamson)


      My friend in the UK makes, and delivers, a wreath each Christmas to my mum's grave. My fathers plaque is there now so it is for the both.


        A family flower arrangement are laid where Mam and DAD's ashes are.
        Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


          We don’t do anything special but we do tend to talk about them,
          Strangely enough my friend Dorothy talked about the last Christmas we spent all together with my sister on Sunday when we met for brunch .
          She reminded us of something that happened that made us all laugh.

          My brothers DD has a tree in her garden that was planted with my Brothers ashes ,
          All of his children and grandchildren have taken to each hanging a bauble on it every Christmas ,
          I think it has become a tradition now .
          Im not fat just 6ft too small


            Oma, what lovely memories you shared about your sister with your friend.

            I'm sure the tree in your niece's garden with thrive with so much love.
            "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

            (Marianne Williamson)


              Daisy my brother would laugh about it as he wasn’t a Christmas person 😁🎄
              Im not fat just 6ft too small


                Oma, but I bet he would also be touched at how well-loved he was by you all. xx
                "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                (Marianne Williamson)


                  Oma, but I bet he would also be touched at how well-loved he was by you all. xx
                  "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                  (Marianne Williamson)


                    Christmas does bring back memories of loved ones no longer with us .
                    On our Christmas tree I have a blue bauble that once belonged to mum It still has the 'emergency ' bit of wool that she attached to the broken hook when it fell off the tree in about 1970 .That bit of wool is a talking point every Christmas. The bauble clashes with the decorations we have on our tree now but that matters not in the slightest

                    Tomorrow we will go to the cemetery to put mini Christmas trees on OH's parents grave , my mum , sister and nans grave ( all in the same plot ) and then to dad's memorial plague in the garden of remembrance .
                    On a trunk of an old tree that stands in an area where I know my baby brother is buried we place one single rose .
                    He was only one day old when he died but I never knew of this until I was sorting out out my mums things when she had died . Neither mum or dad ever spoke of him . It was quite a shock.
                    Apparently after a lot of investigation I found that he was buried in an unmarked grave . The grave just has a plot number but in that part of the cemetery all the plot numbers are missing its just grass with the occasional headstone scattered here and there
                    Bring me sunshine in your smile.


                      Awww how very poignant about your baby brother Mimi xx

                      I like the mini Christmas trees idea. Yesterday passing through the churchyard to my GS's carol concert at the church I spotted a couple of those on graves. Mum loved Christmas and Christmas trees so I am considering that now, if I can find one.
                      “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                        Mimi, how sad your Mum and Dad must have been to lose your baby brother like that. I know you also lost a sister when you were very young, so your parents had some very sad times. It's no less heartbreaking to lose a baby these days, but at least parents have a proper funeral and resting place for their little ones.

                        Gem, it would be lovely to give remember your Mum with a Christmas tree.
                        "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                        (Marianne Williamson)


                          I lost a third child, a little girl at birth. I didn’t want my two beautiful children to grieve so she was buried in a coffin of a stranger, we didn’t know when or where.
                          What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                            Awwww. Well I'm sure you remember her in your heart Plant.
                            “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                              Of course Gemini, always a place there.
                              What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare

