WhatsApp Image 2021-12-11 at 13.50.40.jpg
Yesterday I went to a Christmas party at my mum's care home.
It was a buffet lunch with some entertainment and a raffle.
Each resident could have one guest and I was my mum's.
The original plan had been residents and their guests divided between the two lounges. As time drew nearer, due to the Omnicom variant the manager felt uneasy about this, so the residents in the four upstairs rooms stayed in their rooms with doors open, and the food was brought up to us. The singer (who is also the hairdresser, avoiding bringing anyone new into environment) did his stint, in elf costume, on the landing then went down to sing in the hallway between the lounges. As my mum is much happier in her room this change of plan suited her better!
I took her Christmas card from us, and had already put her tree up last week. I spent over two hours with her. She enjoyed the buffet and a glass of wine! Santa came to everyone. Her present was a small selection box, a good choice as she loves sweets and chocolate! I came home with two raffle prizes. A full size bottle of brandy and a set of three handcreams!
The food and raffle were in the dining room so they called out the names and numbers through microphone then delivered the prizes. Up the stairs both times in my case. I gave mum one of my tubes of handream which she was happy with.
Mum enjoyed it all but was very tired by the end. The excitement and the wine combined I suspect!
Mostly it was a lovely time. We did have a bit of the usual 'I'm not sure where I am going next' and suchlike, but it wasn't too bad.
I think the home did well in providing something nice for residents and families in as safe a way as possible. Last Christmas of course could see no one. They had the party but no guests.
There was lovely spread of food and drink. Staff all made a real effort to dress and look Christmassy. As I arrived at the same time as Santa I was given the job of taking group photos of the staff and him in the courtyard
On Thursday Mum, myself and DD3 are going to DD2's house for lunch. OH too if golf happens to be rained off! Mum will enjoy that I am sure.
Yesterday I went to a Christmas party at my mum's care home.
It was a buffet lunch with some entertainment and a raffle.
Each resident could have one guest and I was my mum's.
The original plan had been residents and their guests divided between the two lounges. As time drew nearer, due to the Omnicom variant the manager felt uneasy about this, so the residents in the four upstairs rooms stayed in their rooms with doors open, and the food was brought up to us. The singer (who is also the hairdresser, avoiding bringing anyone new into environment) did his stint, in elf costume, on the landing then went down to sing in the hallway between the lounges. As my mum is much happier in her room this change of plan suited her better!
I took her Christmas card from us, and had already put her tree up last week. I spent over two hours with her. She enjoyed the buffet and a glass of wine! Santa came to everyone. Her present was a small selection box, a good choice as she loves sweets and chocolate! I came home with two raffle prizes. A full size bottle of brandy and a set of three handcreams!
The food and raffle were in the dining room so they called out the names and numbers through microphone then delivered the prizes. Up the stairs both times in my case. I gave mum one of my tubes of handream which she was happy with.
Mum enjoyed it all but was very tired by the end. The excitement and the wine combined I suspect!
Mostly it was a lovely time. We did have a bit of the usual 'I'm not sure where I am going next' and suchlike, but it wasn't too bad.
I think the home did well in providing something nice for residents and families in as safe a way as possible. Last Christmas of course could see no one. They had the party but no guests.
There was lovely spread of food and drink. Staff all made a real effort to dress and look Christmassy. As I arrived at the same time as Santa I was given the job of taking group photos of the staff and him in the courtyard

On Thursday Mum, myself and DD3 are going to DD2's house for lunch. OH too if golf happens to be rained off! Mum will enjoy that I am sure.