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Christmas Plays and Concerts

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    Christmas Plays and Concerts

    At my granddaughter's school only KS1 do a Christmas play, KS2 do one at Easter, which is a nice change.
    GS2 is only 2. I hear he is a reindeer in something at his nursery. I'm not sure if parents watch or not. He will look cute in his antlers
    GS1 is Censor Taker 2, a narrator and something else (I forget what) in his school nativity play, called The Midwife Crisis . He has hoped for a non speaking part, but he has 3 lines.
    I will be seeing this next Tuesday. Picking him up from school as usual then taking him back over for the 6pm performance. DD will be in London but will see it the following afternoon. I think SIL will go with me.

    GD doesn't go to drama classes any more, so that is one less Christmas production!

    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown

    Gem - it's hard to keep up with all the productions, Christmas fairs etc, etc at this time of year!

    I have a ticket for GD1's production (Joseph) but don't know if I can actually go yet. I think there's very little chance of seeing GD2 playing Mary in her Nativity play, but I'm sure I'll hear all about it.

    "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

    (Marianne Williamson)


      Oh I hope you get to see Joseph!

      Maybe we can see a photo of GD Mary afterwards Daisy?
      “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


        Sadly we have none to go to this year GS1 to old GS2 and GD we never invited although GS2 said he refused to be in the silly play so that settled that
        Im not fat just 6ft too small


          Our little one’s school restricts 2 tickets per child, so only mummy and daddy get to go.
          Grandmothers are just antique little girls - author unknown


            We have eldest granddaughter to go see if they have any spare tickets next Tuesday she is a gladiator and an inn keeper so has about 12 lines but she loves it , then back home for a pick up
            On the Friday it’s twins nativity, M is a shepherd and J is a Sheep , we are lucky in the respect of having twins we get 2 tickets no questions asked and mummy send daddy get 2 as well


              Yes, that is good having 2 children in the school Qwerty, double tickets!

              GD's school limits it to 2 tickets each, but you can apply for extras if there are any left. I have been lucky to get a ticket each year that GD was in KS1, and her Gran did too. Being very busy on the PTA (DD) maybe helps with getting extra tickets
              “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                Gem - hopefully I will be able to see GD1 in Jospeh. the friends who were possibly visiting in that day are now coming this Sunday, so I'll try and keep the day clear.

                Qwerty - you deserve extra tickets - just think of all the days when you have to cope with two lots of tranklements when you pick them up!
                "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                (Marianne Williamson)


                  GS1 doesn't have a Nativity this yr. His mummy hasn't said if there's anything else. OH & I are joining GS2 for a school lantern walk. Set off from his school & walk a short distance to a place where a few carols are sung. They're big on community. Sounds lovely.
                  "Good friends help you to find important things when you have lost them....your smile, your hope, and your courage."

                  (Doe Zantamata.)


                    GD and GS2 were practicing GS's 'lines' for his nursery production in the car on the way home last night.
                    GD says '4 dancing?' and GS says 'reindeers'! He told us he has to 'put on a reindeer'. We assume antlers. It all made for a very cute and happy drive home last night
                    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                      Sounds fun Gem, eldest being a gladiator or centurion not sure what the difference is but her lines are very aggressive after orders from Herod boy you wouldn’t want to mess with her 😯


                        I know it’s not play or such but we are off to the twins Xmas Fayre I am told by J they have hot dogs not sure what the connection is


                          My little actor and I are watching Elf to give him a rest between school and the 6pm performance 🙂
                          “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                            Never managed to see GS in any school play, Christmas or otherwise, though I was called upon to make costumes!!!

                            As I left school today the Infants were rehearsing for their production and were singing Little Donkey with actions! Very sweet!
                            Believe you can and you're halfway there.
                            Theodore Roosevelt.


                              Our GD1's production of 'Joseph" is in full swing - two performances yesterday and another one tonight. Yesterday morning's show was brilliant I believe (the other gran was able to go) and when GD1 came home from school she was over the moon and flying high! It was a case of a quick tea, changed and out again for the evening performance. I haven't heard how that went yet. When I hugged her and said 'break a leg' she went into fits of giggles as everyone has said that to her. GD2 was a bit puzzled about why it was funny!

                              Today is also a busy day for GD1. I mentioned elsewhere that she won the Academic Award for her class and the winners get a day out in Bournemouth, and go to see "Beauty and the Beast" at the theatre. The trip seems to include McDonalds and a lot of ice cream! Then back this afternoon, and back to school for the final performance of "Joseph"! I think we might have a tired little girl tomorrow.

                              GD2's Nativity play is tomorrow - two performances. I think she's quite excited, but not sure what to expect, except that she has to use a mic!

                              "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                              (Marianne Williamson)

