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You are NOT going out dressed like that.......


    You are NOT going out dressed like that.......

    We were just talking about Jose Mourino who never seems to smile. I mentioned that he has a very pretty daughter and when he was with her at an event this week he didn't smile. Husband said "Well that is because she was half undressed,she had a tuxedo type dress on, b@@bs and thighs on show". I enquired when he had appointed himself the teenage fashion police and he said "I bet your dad said more than once YOU ARE NOT GOING OUT DRESSED LIKE THAT". I had to admit that I did hear that phrase quite a lot.

    I did play the game a bit though and used to wear my skirt not too short and roll it up further when I was down the road. Dad was never too keen on me wearing jeans. Girls weren't supposed to wear denim, it was what workmen wore! Girls trousers should have a zip at the side NOT a fly! he had three daughters so I think by the time we we were all grown up he realised he really had to go with the flow bless him.

    I wonder what eldest son is going to be like when Sadiekins starts dressing up to go out, he has already said that she isn't allowed to have boyfriends until she is at least 35!
    If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together

    I wasn't allowed to wear make up or nail varnish till I was about 16. When I was younger I used to go to my friends house and put it on there.When I went home, I used to go straight to my bedroom, so that my make up wouldn't be seen.
    Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


      Nail polish was about the same domain as swinging your handbag on the corner of the street as was make up although I was allowed a little bit of lipstick of it wasn't "obvious" so read not seen at all. I once put blue eyeshadow on and he went ballistic, it wasn't even a lot!
      If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together


        My Dad would say ,are you putting a skirt on with that belt Or dont bend over everyone will see what you had for tea hahaha
        Im not fat just 6ft too small


          "Are you nearly wearing that skirt young lady?"
          If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together


            My poor dad used to tell me I was asking for trouble! If the bus was packed and I had to go upstairs on the bus it could be a bit tricky! X


              I remember getting ready for my first job interview, aged 17. I put on a dress with a slim pencil skirt and a matching short jacket. I thought it looked really smart, but my Dad wouldn't let me out of the house until I changed into something I thought was extremely boring.

              DS2 says that neither of his daughters will be allowed out of the house until they're at least 45!

              "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

              (Marianne Williamson)


                Being quite a bit older than you ladies, short skirts were not in fashion, no problem there. I don't remember when I first wore make-up, probably sixteen.
                What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                  Plant - there's not much difference in our ages. The trendy pieces when I was 15/16ish were knee length - minis came in a bit later. Did you wear the very full skirts with loads of net petticoats underneath - or nylon petticoats which you rinsed in sugar water to make them stiffer? I loved them, worn with a wide belt!
                  "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                  (Marianne Williamson)


                    I'm the odd one out again 😏 I've never worn nail varnish, don't have pierced ears, didn't bother with make up until middle age, and then it was just a bit of lipstick. However I did go through a 'black phase' black polo neck, tights and everything else and my dead straight hair parted in the middle and hanging in curtains. And I had absolutely no interest in boys. I thought they were silly and immature. Not that I knew any until I went to university and I didn't change my opinion even then.


                      Sum1, I didnt have my ears pierced until I was 34, and wore high (ish) heels for my wedding, aged 21, and never since!
                      I thought boys a stupid waste of time and didn't want to go out with any who asked me! I knew you needed one of them to have a family though I found a very nice one at college however, who I was happily married to for a long time, and had lovely babies with
                      “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                        I had to creep past the lounge on my way out because you could bet my day would call me back for "inspection" if he heard me,my friends and I used to wear very pale lipstick and black eyeliner worn with block mascara which you had to spit on to get moist (how disgusting is that now I think on) we would go to Woolworths on Saturday morning and look at the make-up counter and club together for nail varnish and do each others nails,never did our toes as that was thought off as being very daring then.
                        Keep Calm,You're Fabulous


                          Originally posted by Daisy View Post
                          Plant - there's not much difference in our ages. The trendy pieces when I was 15/16ish were knee length - minis came in a bit later. Did you wear the very full skirts with loads of net petticoats underneath - or nylon petticoats which you rinsed in sugar water to make them stiffer? I loved them, worn with a wide belt!

                          Yes, Daisy very full dresses with underskirt, that was the style of my wedding dress.
                          What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                            My dad was very against pierced ears and even clip on earrings. I left home quite young and got my ears pierced and wore enormous earrings all the time unfortunately I was holding a baby one day and she pulled one of the earrings right through my ear, my goodness there was a lot of blood. After six or seven years I had my ears pierced again and have since always worn earrings, I have loads of them.

                            I started wearing make up when I was about fifteen but not a lot, I probably wear more now especially foundation due to tiny marks on my face after an accident some 20 years ago. I had a few boyfriends when I was at home but dad had to "vet" them, how embarrassing, he would give a list of his expectations and warn, in his best stern father's voice, that any digression from the rules would result in dire circumstances. Even when I got older and had left home if he met any of my boyfriends (even if they were only just friends) he would give them the once over and more than once I had to give him a warning look.
                            If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together


                              Oh I remember block mascara you spit on 😀 and the hair spray you poured into a spray bottle made your hair as stiff as cardboard can't remember it's name now , I wore all the latest fashions from a very young age having two much older sisters . Wasn't allowed to go out in makeup but would when no one was looking , I remember my oldest sister buying me the full skirt with netting under it was blue with black guitars around the hem hers had poodles , worn with the softest short sleeved twin set I thought I was the bees knees 😁
                              Im not fat just 6ft too small

