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    Does anyone else have a piece of jewellery that they wear every day. Apart from the obvious wedding rings etc. A necklace or bracelet that you put on automatically. I have a charm which was sent a couple of years ago from NZ by DS1, it is a silver Manuka seedling and I wear it every day on a longish silver chain which I already had. I have what must be a rather irritating habit of fiddling with it without really noticing I'm doing it. I don't feel properly dressed without it on even if it is under a polo neck sweater and cannot be seen.
    Be careful when blindly following the Masses.
    Sometimes the 'M' is silent.

    No not really BL. I am a very jewellery girl. I do feel quite naked if I do not wear earrings which I match according to what I am wearing. I love brooches as well and if I am wearing a tailored jacket will always wear a brooch but I don't have anything other than my rings as you described every single day.
    If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together


      My pandora bracelets of which I have two. The first one was a gift from my friend and all the charms have been gifts.I'm addicted to them. The 2nd one is 3/4 full of charms as well. Because I am cooking a lot at work currently they are put away in my jewellery box. Will be on the look out in Malta for more Pandora charms. If I'm going somewhere special all my bling comes out,I have a beautiful Tanzanite ring hubby bought me several years ago and it has great sentimental value.
      Last edited by Libra Gran; 26-05-2015, 09:57 PM.
      "What doesn't kill us,makes us stronger."


        I love junk jewellery as well as the finer pieces. I have phases of favourites, at the mo it's a silver pinkie ring I made myself. I love earrings and often I make them too. Anything different and I can't resist.
        Women are like tea bags; you never know how strong they are until they are put in hot water.
        Eleanor Roosevelt.


          I've got special rings and earrings bought for me by my OH and family which I wear when going out. Otherwise just rings. I have a friend who's obsessed with jewelry but she is a performer and needs to glam up. For me, I love earrings best of all.
          Only those who risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go. T.S Eliot


            I wear a gold chain that hubby bought me years ago ,I never take it off.I used to have a cameo locket on, till the bale broke last year.For Christmas he bought me a small Egyptian type thingy, which I have on said chain.I love earrings, and maybe change them every couple of weeks. Very rare I wear a bracelet, but I always have a watch on, and my usual rings.
            Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


              I always have my medium sized gold hoops in and only change them if going somewhere special then I change them for a pair of diamond studs that OH bought me for wedding anniversary one year,I do like my jointed teddy bear on a chain and wear him quite often apart from that everything else is just when I fancy a change I have about half my Pandora Bracelet filled and will spend hours looking at other charms to buy so many beautiful ones for different occasions,the only other jewellery I wear are my rings and if on holiday big junky beads to go with floaty dresses.
              Keep Calm,You're Fabulous


                I wear a gold Celtic cross & chain that I never take off. I had a jeweller incorporate my father's ring in the cross when he made it for me. Somehow I find it comforting.
                "Good friends help you to find important things when you have lost them....your smile, your hope, and your courage."

                (Doe Zantamata.)


                  I like the idea of your fathers ring being incorporated in your jewellery.Many years ago, I knew a lady who had a pair of earrings made from her late husbands cufflinks.
                  Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                    Originally posted by Mamar* View Post
                    I wear a gold Celtic cross & chain that I never take off. I had a jeweller incorporate my father's ring in the cross when he made it for me. Somehow I find it comforting.
                    I agree Mamar that jewellery can be comforting and that is why I wear the Manuka seedling that was sent from NZ. This represents the Country as most of the Manuka honey is made as result of this plant (and the bees of course) and it makes me feel just slightly nearer DS1 sometimes. I also have a pendant which is made into a heart shape which was originally my Mother's wedding ring. It was the traditional gold barrel type. I have that on a gold chain and again very comforting to wear.
                    Be careful when blindly following the Masses.
                    Sometimes the 'M' is silent.


                      Thanks for giving me food for thought BizzyL. I suppose if we can't hold the people we love we hold something of theirs instead. 😊❤️
                      "Good friends help you to find important things when you have lost them....your smile, your hope, and your courage."

                      (Doe Zantamata.)


                        I go from one extreme to the other with jewellery. I always take my wedding ring off at night, because it irritates my skin if I leave it on, and sometimes if I'm just pottering in the house I don't wear it at all. When I'm going out I wear my ring and maybe my engagement ring which is a sapphire and diamonds on a white gold band. I've got two or three pairs of favourite earrings which go with everything, and a collection of necklaces - mostly coloured beads which I match up to outfits. I love wearing lots of bracelets together, but never wear a watch. All my gold jewellery is white gold - yellow gold looks odd on my very pale blue-toned skin!

                        I love choosing new jewellery - it doesn't have to be expensive!

                        "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                        (Marianne Williamson)


                          I have had my engagement ring remade three times before I got it right. Now I wear just that on it's own. Crossed hoops with the diamonds along one hoop. I don't wear any rings unless I'm going out though.
                          The two DDs now have the Grandma's engagement rings, and DD1 was married with my Ma's wedding ring. They were all very close.
                          Women are like tea bags; you never know how strong they are until they are put in hot water.
                          Eleanor Roosevelt.


                            I have more earrings than a jewellery shop. Some cheapo some expensive. I never wear hoops. Years ago I was wearing very trendy big earrings with hoops (circa 1972) and held a friend's baby who grabbed one and pulled it right through my ear. I didn't wear earrings for years after that and had to have them re pierced, I still have the scar! Put me off hoops completely!

                            I have an amazing ring which is an American antique from my first husband. It has square cut blood rubies in three rows and is tiered to either side with a row of small diamond between the tiers. I don't wear it much these days but it was valued some years ago at £4,600. I also have a gold and opal five stone ring which my ex bought me as a start again ring, unfortunately it was not a start again ring more of a start where we left off ........ Then I have various other rings I have collected over the years. I never take my wedding ring off but sometimes do not wear my engagement or eternity rings especially in the winter as they rip the inside of my leather gloves, well the engagement one does.

                            I have two watches one is my every day one and is just a silver Sekonda and the other a Betty Barclay gold watch which I bought for £110 on the website sale reduced from something like £400.

                            lots of necklaces but I prefer longer ones although I have a pretty diamond earring, necklace, bracelet set husband gave me.
                            If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together

