After much consideration I have just come back from the hairdressers after having 10inches cut off the blonde locks 
I have had it cut to just on my shoulders so it can still be put up if needed,my lovely hairdresser has still kept it one length (no layers) and she has blown it into a very long bob with my signature thick fringe I haven't told any of the family of my trip out so they will have a shock when I turn up to DS1s house for tea tomorrow,if he is anything like his dad was he won't even notice !!

I have had it cut to just on my shoulders so it can still be put up if needed,my lovely hairdresser has still kept it one length (no layers) and she has blown it into a very long bob with my signature thick fringe I haven't told any of the family of my trip out so they will have a shock when I turn up to DS1s house for tea tomorrow,if he is anything like his dad was he won't even notice !!