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    I have been growing my hair for about 8 months now and as long as I have layers in it and occasionally thinned out I can manage it,my dilemma is whether to go a few shades darker than my normal (not natural) blonde. Or whether to have it all chopped off and go back to short hair. Not the 1st time I have done this grown it and then got fed up and had it all cut off. Problem is even if I have it coloured at the salon they can never completely get the underneath at the sides and back especially to go as light as the rest.My original colour many moons ago was brown,but I just think that will look awful on me now.So was toying with a more darker blonde.I can now get my hair up in a clip,but won't because the underneath is so much darker. So you wise ladies,what would you do.Might help if I post a piccy so you can see what I mean.
    "What doesn't kill us,makes us stronger."

    Yes Libra a pic may be better then we can see what its like

    Im not fat just 6ft too small


      Libra Gran your hair sounds like mine , mine was originally brown, now it's a medium blonde and cut short and layered.
      I colour mine at home and after years of practice (about 20 !) I don't have a lot of trouble doing the back and underneath.
      Have you thought about having it trimmed and adding some low lights or high lights to it and see how you go along with that or perhaps have a semi permanent darker colour put on that way if you don't like it it will wash out and fade in time.
      Bring me sunshine in your smile.


        I'd go for high and lowlights too. Well done for getting this far, don't cut it just yet. Have fun with it first, then if you don't like you can get it cut out and start again


          Libra do you put bleach or tint on your hair, to go platinum blonde it takes bleach to do that and sometimes a toner to go a silver colour, hair is a lot stronger at back as it not been exposed to the elements as much as the front which is more porous and so you get 2 different shades, it seems a pity to cut your hair now but I have done the same and given to having it cut. do you get enough layers cut into your hair especially the front and sides this way you keep your length but its easier to manage


            My hair is now quite long. I used to have it done every six weeks when it was shorter but now I have it done when I think it needs it. I am having it done next week. Roots, colour, highlights, trim. I have so often thought I should just let it go grey naturally and it gets to a certain stage and I cannot stand it so either bung a colour on myself or go to the hairdressers.

            My hair dresser refuses to put bleach on mine and uses vegetable based stuff. She says it will kn@cker the condition to put on bleach.

            You do know it is very trendy to have two tone hair LG? Post a picture.....
            If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together


              Okay ladies hope these help. Honest opinions only,and Qwerty I'm due to have layers cut into again on Wednesday. Trouble is my hair is SOOOOO thick, I have had it bleached in the past,but now just a permanent colourant.
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              Last edited by Libra Gran; 26-04-2015, 04:21 PM.
              "What doesn't kill us,makes us stronger."


                if you are not wearing your up all the time try Josh Wood blending wand. I am not sure where you get it as it was given to me by someone who didn't get on with it. I have a problem with my hair in that my hair goes grey like a hairband at the front and this is a sort of brush that you apply colour with and then comb in to blend and it hides the grey. I find it easy to use. I am sure it would work in the opposite way (well not sure but I think).

                I have just washed my hair and put my trusty Revlon thickening stuff on and scraped it all back only for husband to grandly announce that I have a lovely silver "halo" where my hair is grey at the front. He does not understand why I want to throttle him for pointing it out! He thinks it looks cute. Mmm well maybe you do dear but I do NOT.

                If you try the Josh Wood thing let me know, Not sure of how much it costs because as I say someone gave it to me but I find it works well when I get up and look in the mirror and think OH DEAR......
                If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together


                  Thanks ZIZI I'll look on Amazon,they sell most if not everything. I do want to wear it up more often,thats the problem. With the darker bits I feel a twit when it's pinned up. You have my permission to give P a slap for that comment.
                  "What doesn't kill us,makes us stronger."


                    I think it looks lovely LG, I really do and if I were you I'd persist in growing it a bit longer. Just have a trim and then Low Lights as others have suggested. I'm growing mine too after a bad case of hair loss 2 years ago, it is slowly coming back but very fine. I like to put it in a French pleat sometimes and find there is more I can do with it when longer. Also I believe on some ladies, hair that's a bit longer does flatter the face.

                    Love the photos Pretty Lady. X
                    Only those who risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go. T.S Eliot


                      Libra, I love your long hair, and I think it looks fine up as it is!
                      “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                        Elisi I really do recommend Revlon Nutrasome (might be spelt wrong) shampoo and serum. Not cheap I will admit. I used it for a long period and then stopped. I noticed quite quickly that my hair was coming out again. I have been using it again for the last three weeks and I definitely notice the difference.

                        It is a bit of a faff. It says do not use conditioner but after experimenting I found if I put conditioner on my hair half an hour before washing. Rinse it off and then put the Revlon shampoo on. Leave it for for five mins or so and rinse it off it works, Towel dry your hair and put the serum on it is , so far working as u previously thought.
                        If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together


                          A word of warning from me. I had a bob hairstyle that reached just under my chin. My hair is really fine but a lot of it. In the recent heat I decided to have it cut. My hairdresser said she wouldn't do it as we had worked hard to grow & style it. I voted with my feet & went to a local (recommended) hairdresser on Friday. Ended up with three styles in one. Eek! 😱💇Had it rectified at Tony & Guys yesterday & it was so bad she had to cut it so short to get it into any sort of style. Now my hair's an inch long at the back & a little longer at the front. Can't wait for it to grow again. Luckily it grows quite quickly. I'd give anything to have your lovely locks. I also echo what Gemini says.
                          "Good friends help you to find important things when you have lost them....your smile, your hope, and your courage."

                          (Doe Zantamata.)


                            LG - When I read your description, I thought the back was going to be dark brown. It's not - it's blonde, so I'd go with the low lights option - some darker 'streaks' (if that's the right word) through the rest of your hair so it kind of blends/merges with the back. I honestly wouldn't try to do anything more drastic. Wise words from Qwerty, our expert.

                            I've just grown my layers out into a chin-length bob and the dark bit at the back doesn't really show -and there's a much bigger contrast between my white and my very dark areas. But I can't wear my hair up - my hairline it far too untidy.

                            "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                            (Marianne Williamson)


                              Originally posted by ZIZI View Post
                              Elisi I really do recommend Revlon Nutrasome (might be spelt wrong) shampoo and serum. Not cheap I will admit. I used it for a long period and then stopped. I noticed quite quickly that my hair was coming out again. I have been using it again for the last three weeks and I definitely notice the difference.

                              It is a bit of a faff. It says do not use conditioner but after experimenting I found if I put conditioner on my hair half an hour before washing. Rinse it off and then put the Revlon shampoo on. Leave it for for five mins or so and rinse it off it works, Towel dry your hair and put the serum on it is , so far working as u previously thought.
                              Many thanks Zizi X I did actually see your recommendations of Nutrasome on another forum (LOL) and I began using it, about 6 months ago, and I feel it has worked well. I shall take your advice and do this your way round in future. It is expensive, but then I stopped going to hairdressers, last September I was SHEARED by a local salon and I was distraught Since I no longer colour or have my hair cut, I can justify the expense. I do use the serum after each wash and it does what it says on the tin.

                              I'm actually letting the grey come through as it looks like white grey and not grey grey and I have booked to have a few low lights put in by a hairdresser I trust before we go on holiday. I'm not sure I will allow the grey to come through much more though at the moment I think it looks smart, and streaky, but????
                              Only those who risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go. T.S Eliot

