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Going grey.


    Thanks Grans. No regrets. Funnily enough it does feel softer. It wasn't the time spent as much as the money saved. I've always liked white hair ...both my Nan & Mum had the most gorgeous silver white.
    "Good friends help you to find important things when you have lost them....your smile, your hope, and your courage."

    (Doe Zantamata.)


      Nana - it looks as though you will have inherited the silver genes.
      "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

      (Marianne Williamson)


        Fingers crossed Daisy.
        "Good friends help you to find important things when you have lost them....your smile, your hope, and your courage."

        (Doe Zantamata.)


          Nana - from your photos, it looks likely.
          "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

          (Marianne Williamson)


            Oh dear just reading your thread Nana. Your hair looked lovely and soft too.
            I'm booked in for tomorrow to have mine coloured. I'm so fed up I thought I'd "Just do it".
            But it is so freeing , being grey, both in time and money. But for me it's now or never!


              Ha! GJ isn't this just life. I'd love my hair your colour, beautiful. I've not missed dying my hair at all. I'm in the hairdresser's too tomoro to have a trim so a little nearer to achieving my goal. Not sure if it will take 2 or 3 cuts before it's all my natural colour. I think the key is to have a good stylist.

              Let us know how it looks. Can't wait to see/hear What colour you have. Good luck.
              "Good friends help you to find important things when you have lost them....your smile, your hope, and your courage."

              (Doe Zantamata.)


                I'm still growing my hair. I'm not 100% sure it's right for a batty old woman of my years, but it's very easy to look after and dries faster than I thought it would.

                GJ - did you take the plunge?

                Nana - are you now a few centimetres closer to your goal?
                "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                (Marianne Williamson)


                  My DD has gone from Jet Black hair to having it dyed Silver Grey , quite a shock at the time but im getting used to it now ,

                  Well after having this scare with my hair falling out im afraid to dye it now so I have decided like Nana to ride it out and let it go grey naturally , it is a nice silver where it is grey already but so far as I said before its just at the front , you can see it around my ears and when my hair parts but not as much as I like , I would like it to be more quicker to get it over with
                  Im not fat just 6ft too small


                    Oma - have you still got your hair short - if so it won't take long to grow out.
                    "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                    (Marianne Williamson)


                      Well yes I went for it, but didn’t turnout as dark as I thought.
                      I’ll go darker next time.
                      my Mam didn’t even notice, but it looks so different to me.
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                        I think it's a lovely shade, GJ. I think it's a good idea to change it gradually, then you don't risk going 'too far'. Well done, brave lady. xx
                        "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                        (Marianne Williamson)


                          I agree with Daisy, GJ, a gradual change is better than a sudden one
                          “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                            Oh GJ you do look stern but your hair is lovely


                              Its lovel GJ

                              Daisy yes its short I will just get it trimmed every 5 weeks and see how it goes
                              Im not fat just 6ft too small


                                Good luck, Oma.

                                Reading these posts about going grey has made me think I was rather lucky to have made the decision when I was about 30!
                                "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                                (Marianne Williamson)

