I love wearing leggings! I wear them at any opportunity, summer and winter. They're practical and comfortable and I like the huge choice of tops that work with leggings.
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
Not for me. I only wear trousers when it's too cold to go bare legged. And in the house I wear long skirts. I feel bundled up when my legs are encased!
I wear jeggings all the time and absolutely love them. Before they were invented it was the skinniest jeans for me so they are even better so comfy and with a long sweater that cover any lumpy bits they are fine.
Be careful when blindly following the Masses.
Sometimes the 'M' is silent.
Always have loved trousers. I wear skirts in summertime and on holiday and love the maxis. I am too old, fat and grumpy to actually go out in public with leggings on. But Boy oh Boy are they comfortable while I am sitting here
I am probably the one that wears them regardless of what others may think I look like lol wish I could get a decent pair don't mind what I pay as long as they don't bag at the knee, these days I always seem to be on my knees either changing nappies, praying for breath or looking for an earring. I do like jeggings and skinny jeans my bum is on the big side but my legs are gorgeous ps I know I said I wouldn't be on today as I have babes but they are sleeping in grandmas big bed they love it and have slept now for over an hour a first yay
Last edited by Qwerty; 24-02-2015, 02:08 PM.Reason: wanted to add something
If you have the legs for them great but im not one of them lucky people .
I hate when I see all these huge girls walking around our shopping centre with leggings on a short top and there stomach`s hanging out for all too see yuk, where I lived before we had a young neighbour who was a very large lady and she would wear white ones in the summer with coloured pants under well white is almost see through and let me tell you ladies it wasn't a pretty sight at all , then you go to the other end, my friend was 5 stone wet through and she was so thin they just hung on her and looked so baggy, bless her
I am a leggings girl. I wear them all the time at home and will wear them out but only with a top that covers my bum and upper thighs. I am a bit like Qwerty, probably shouldnt wear them given my shape, but for me dashing hither and thither they are the perfect answer. When I finish this job role I am in and have to go back to "proper clothes" for work it is going to be hard! I must admit though I only ever wear black or navy blue ones and I do pay a bit more for them to stop them being all baggy around the bum and knees. When they get like that they are chucked.
If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together
I like wearing leggings - with the right top that covers my bum! Great for a casual look... I do agree though that many women wear them when they are not appropriate.
Grandmothers are just antique little girls - author unknown
I love my legging I wear them to work with a smart tunic dress over and my boots,I also wear them at home with a long sweater or top.I buy the seam free ones from Next they are a bit more expensive,but no knee sag and are thicker than the cheapo ones.