Oh woe is me, I am truly undone!
After 7 weeks of antibiotics (not all in a row), I’m still coughing. The A/Bs probably would have been more use if I had had syphilis or similar as that seemed to be what they were for mainly. Lung problems were way down the list! Next, plantar Fasciitis. That is so painful, but getting better slowly with exercises. Add to that a prolapse. Now I have hurt my back, probably because I’m not walking properly.
On top of all this I allegedly ran a red light! I pleaded guilty as a not doing so would cost me more if found guilty and I can’t prove otherwise. The photos the police sent weren’t clear. I am a careful driver, I don’t even go on an amber. Because I said this in my comments I have now been summoned to appear at a court 50 miles away at 10am! I have emailed the court to ask if I can plead guilty and they disregard my comments. Also I have asked for another date and nearer court should this not be possible. (I will be away on the date given). This is going to cost me dear in money and points I fear.
So, on your prayer mats please ladies, I need a change of luck!
After 7 weeks of antibiotics (not all in a row), I’m still coughing. The A/Bs probably would have been more use if I had had syphilis or similar as that seemed to be what they were for mainly. Lung problems were way down the list! Next, plantar Fasciitis. That is so painful, but getting better slowly with exercises. Add to that a prolapse. Now I have hurt my back, probably because I’m not walking properly.
On top of all this I allegedly ran a red light! I pleaded guilty as a not doing so would cost me more if found guilty and I can’t prove otherwise. The photos the police sent weren’t clear. I am a careful driver, I don’t even go on an amber. Because I said this in my comments I have now been summoned to appear at a court 50 miles away at 10am! I have emailed the court to ask if I can plead guilty and they disregard my comments. Also I have asked for another date and nearer court should this not be possible. (I will be away on the date given). This is going to cost me dear in money and points I fear.
So, on your prayer mats please ladies, I need a change of luck!