Yesterday OH and I were doing some sorting out in the smaller spare room which used to be my therapy room when I worked from home.
This was also the room the cats lived in for 2 days when we first brought them home. They like to go in there when the door is open and sometimes sleep under the couch, their first sleeping place here. I think it's nostalgic for them
They were running in and out and playing on the landing. After a while I heard an unusual noise which I couldn't identify. I wondered if the kittens had been locked in one of the other rooms and trying to get out.
I found both of them, in the bath desperately scrabbling to get out. I had just had a shower and the slope they were trying to get up was wet so they slipped back every time!
They were in a real panic! Their little hearts were beating fast.
I told them to calm down and grabbed them one by one and rescued them. Moses the boy cat hates his paws being wet, so spent ages doing funny steps to try to dry them!
The poor things must have been scared, but it was funny
This was also the room the cats lived in for 2 days when we first brought them home. They like to go in there when the door is open and sometimes sleep under the couch, their first sleeping place here. I think it's nostalgic for them

They were running in and out and playing on the landing. After a while I heard an unusual noise which I couldn't identify. I wondered if the kittens had been locked in one of the other rooms and trying to get out.
I found both of them, in the bath desperately scrabbling to get out. I had just had a shower and the slope they were trying to get up was wet so they slipped back every time!
They were in a real panic! Their little hearts were beating fast.
I told them to calm down and grabbed them one by one and rescued them. Moses the boy cat hates his paws being wet, so spent ages doing funny steps to try to dry them!
The poor things must have been scared, but it was funny
