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Too many

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    Too many

    What do you have too many of? In your own opinion or someone else's?

    Around here the opinion is that I have too many bags, swimsuits and trays.

    I definitely don't have enough trays! I would like several more.
    I probably could get rid of some bags, and will sort those out.

    Today I did sort out my swimsuits. I do need several. I don't want to wear the same one to aquafit every time, I like some alternatives. As the aquafit ones need to be quite supportive, I also have a couple (well 3) that are just holiday swimsuits not up to all the jumping of a class.

    Today I threw away 4 swimsuits. I also took out a plain black M&S one I bought online a couple of years ago which still has it's labels on. I bought it for aquafit having had the same style before. It turned out they had changed the design and it was much too low at the front for me, even for sunbathing. I never got round to taking it back, so I am going to sell it. If I get half the full price I will be happy.
    My swimsuit drawer is now tidy and less cramped. Holiday swimsuits on one side, aquafit ones on the other and sarongs at the back
    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown

    Apart from Handbags ,
    I have so so many Tea towels and dish cloths ,
    everytime I go into a shop I buy dish cloths , I have so many I have had to buy a big basket to put them in,
    Tea towels are the same I can’t resist buying them.
    B has stopped asking now why? He just rolls his eyes at me 😁

    I do have several different sized trays ,my everyday trays and Christmas trays , sandwich trays etc .

    Of course you know about my obsession with napkins , but I’m a bit the same with loo rolls ,
    I panic if I haven’t got at least 6 in the downstairs loo, 4 in the bathroom at at least 24 in the cupboard
    Sad I know 😳🤣
    Im not fat just 6ft too small


      I was going to say too many loo rolls, Oma, but my spare pack of 9 isn't a patch on your stash!

      I've got an awful lot of table mats. I've got a set of white ones with blue flowers on - about 10 each of plate size, and same of coasters. A set of 6 round place mats and coasters with butterflies on, 12 massive ones for the dining room table, plus 8 large and 4 average creamy coloured ones. No idea how many coasters - far too many. And some of them are getting tatty, and boring, so I'll have to get some new ones!
      "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

      (Marianne Williamson)


        Always a reason to buy new Daisy just incase of emergency coaster use 🤣🤣🤣

        We also have a awful lot of wine glasses ,considering we don’t drink wine well I don’t and B only has a glass if we on holiday or Christmas ,
        I also realised thinking about it we have 3 full dinner services ,
        Two unused in the cupboards and one everyday use .
        Im not fat just 6ft too small


          Gem, I have one swimsuit, for aqua, from Decathlon, especially designed for aqua lessons.

          Have I got too many of anything? Cups etc, love them and micro fibre cloths, I have far too many of those, apart from that, not really too many of anything.


            Lizzie, one swimsuit is very good - it sounds like the perfect one for you.

            Oma, I never thought about tea sets. Coming from the Potteries I've got loads of china. Two complete and beautiful tea sets - one was my mother's wedding present from Aynsley - art deco, hand painted and beautiful. The other was my wedding present from Wedgwoods - a black and gold Greek key design. Plus stacks of plain white china which I got from the seconds warehouse when I worked at Wedgwoods. Plus 16 pain white mugs for everyday use!

            I suspect we've also got a lot of empty boxes up in the loft from electrical goods over the years. The item wears out or breaks or become obsolete so we get rid of it, but the empty box gets left in the loft!
            "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

            (Marianne Williamson)


              I forgot to confess, too many coats and jackets!


                Lizzie, my OH thinks I only need one swimsuit too There are people with only one , like the lady in the distinctive red one. Most of the ladies at our pool are like me and like a few. I rotate mine in sequence
                “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                  I recently got rid of several coats and jackets Lizzie!
                  “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                    Books. Says everyone else. But I don’t agree.


                      I am on the verge of getting rid of trousers, I have many that I can’t get into but I might loose some weight.
                      What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                        Originally posted by Sum1Ls View Post
                        Books. Says everyone else. But I don’t agree.
                        That was me and my ex. House used to be full of them. Now my reading is all on Kindle.
                        “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                          Where do I start! Mugs, socks, on display photos, paperback books, knitting yarn, glasses and clothes( even after a charity shop run!) 🙁


                            Oh yes Clover , on display photos run to the dozens around here
                            “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                              Like Oma, i'm a sucker for buying t towels,hand towels as well.
                              Truth be told i don't like getting low on anything.
                              We used to have a lot more photos on display than we have now, but i don't think we can reduce them anymore.
                              I like to keep a good supply of loo and kitchen rolls in.
                              Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.

