My head is spinning.
Bear with me
Now OH has a CD / radio player but the sound quality is poor so he thought he'd buy another one that has a better sound system. So far so good.
But the he thought, why not only have a CD/ radio player, but one that is capable of playing MP3 CD 's . Then he would have able to listen to his Journey into Space that's on MP3 CD format
OK I thought why not But then .......
He announced that if he were to buy a record player ( we still have a far amount of old vinyl LPs ) that has a CD player, with MP3 requirerequirement., and radio how good would that be ?
Well he found one . But where will you put it I asked. On the little table in the sitting room he replied.
The record player arrived, much bigger than I expected and to be honest it looked dreadful sitting on the table. The table although small in size, it was far too tall for the record player, and what with it looking more like a piece with furniture itself it needed to sit on some much lower.
Ah, I know he said what we need is a coffee table and dam me , he found one .
I managed to sell the now wanted and unloved little table on Facebook.
Today the new table arrived and obviously it was flat packed so there was the kerfuffle of putting ot together ( how we have managed to stay married for 50 years God only knows)
I have to admit the table looks really nice, even with the record player on it .
Now, how to use the stupid thing. It taken a combination of
one magnifying glass, to read small print in manual, to see dials inside record player and on control panel
One torch to see the black writing on black background on the aforementioned control panel ( fantastic design feature I think not !)
One chair for me to sit on as I can't sit on floor , knee or bend to reach this record player, which by now I was seriously considering throwing out of the window.
One knife to prise the back off the remote control so that batteries could be inserted
Now came to the big deal of turning it on and playing a CD
The only way OH could put the CD into the stupid thing was to kneel on the floor whilst peering at the dials. Now this was OK until he decided that he needed to stand up but fear not , don't forget I was still sitting on a chair He was able to cling to it whilst heaving himself into an upright position
I wouldn't mind but we have Alexa sitting on the sideboard ready to play almost any piece of music you can think of
After all this do you know what OH said
"You know what would look good , if we got rid of our old coffee table and brought another one like the new one and they would match "
New coffee table arrives sometime in the next few days
Bear with me
Now OH has a CD / radio player but the sound quality is poor so he thought he'd buy another one that has a better sound system. So far so good.
But the he thought, why not only have a CD/ radio player, but one that is capable of playing MP3 CD 's . Then he would have able to listen to his Journey into Space that's on MP3 CD format
OK I thought why not But then .......
He announced that if he were to buy a record player ( we still have a far amount of old vinyl LPs ) that has a CD player, with MP3 requirerequirement., and radio how good would that be ?
Well he found one . But where will you put it I asked. On the little table in the sitting room he replied.
The record player arrived, much bigger than I expected and to be honest it looked dreadful sitting on the table. The table although small in size, it was far too tall for the record player, and what with it looking more like a piece with furniture itself it needed to sit on some much lower.
Ah, I know he said what we need is a coffee table and dam me , he found one .
I managed to sell the now wanted and unloved little table on Facebook.
Today the new table arrived and obviously it was flat packed so there was the kerfuffle of putting ot together ( how we have managed to stay married for 50 years God only knows)
I have to admit the table looks really nice, even with the record player on it .
Now, how to use the stupid thing. It taken a combination of
one magnifying glass, to read small print in manual, to see dials inside record player and on control panel
One torch to see the black writing on black background on the aforementioned control panel ( fantastic design feature I think not !)
One chair for me to sit on as I can't sit on floor , knee or bend to reach this record player, which by now I was seriously considering throwing out of the window.
One knife to prise the back off the remote control so that batteries could be inserted
Now came to the big deal of turning it on and playing a CD
The only way OH could put the CD into the stupid thing was to kneel on the floor whilst peering at the dials. Now this was OK until he decided that he needed to stand up but fear not , don't forget I was still sitting on a chair He was able to cling to it whilst heaving himself into an upright position
I wouldn't mind but we have Alexa sitting on the sideboard ready to play almost any piece of music you can think of
After all this do you know what OH said
"You know what would look good , if we got rid of our old coffee table and brought another one like the new one and they would match "
New coffee table arrives sometime in the next few days
